Achievements obtained in BA Phase II (from April 2020) and those obtained in BA Phase I (from June 2007 to March 2020) are separately shown hereafter.
from 2020
As it was the case in BA Phase I, the activities in fusion reactors R&D in BA Phase II continue to support ITER in issues related to Tritium retention in first wall materials, and to contribute to the materials database for future reactors such as DEMO, which will be in part validated in a future IFMIF type installation. DEMO R&D Activities have been chosen based on the results of BA Phase I and discussions with the Design teams, and are focused on the four areas that have been identified as of mutual interest, and where effective collaboration can be implemented between EU and JA. The activities are 1) continuous bred tritium recovery and inventory evaluation, including JET tile and dust analysis, 2) development of structural material for fusion DEMO in-vessel components, 3) neutron irradiation experiments of breeding functional materials, and 4) development of a material corrosion data base. The peer-reviewed papers corresponding to the activities in the four arias mentioned above are presented below.
Publication List
JET tile and dust analysis
Year | IA | Title | Author | DOI | Journal |
2023 | EU/JA | Overview of tritium retention in divertor tiles and dust particles from the JET tokamak with the ITER-like wall | Y. Torikai, G. Kikuchi, A. Owada, S. Masuzaki, T. Otsuka, N. Ashikawa, M. Yajima, M. Tokitani, Y. Oya, S.E. Lee, Y. Hatano, N. Asakura, T. Hayashi, M. Oyaidzu, J. Likonen, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel and JET Contributors | | Nuclear Fusion |
2023 | EU/JA | Tritium distributions in castellated structures of Be limiter tiles from JET-ITER like wall experiments | S. E. Lee, Y. Hatano, S. Masuzaki, Y. Oya, M. Tokitani, M. Yajima, T. Otsuka, N. Ashikawa, Y. Torikai, N. Asakura, H. Nakamura, H. Kurotaki, T. Hayashi, T. Nozawa, A. M. Ito, J. Likonen, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel | | Nuclear Fusion |
2022 | EU/JA | An overview of tritium retention in dust particles from the JET-ILW divertor | T. Otsuka, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, Y. Torikai, Y. Hatano, M. Tokitani, Y. Oya, T. Hayashi, H. Tanigawa, N. Asakura, Y. Iwai, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, | | Physica Scripta |
2022 | EU | Fuel retention and carbon deposition on beryllium marker tiles from JET tokamak main chamber limiters investigated by ion beam analysis | P Tsavalas, A. Lagoyannis, K. Mergia, M. Axiotis, S. Harissopoulos, G. Provatas, S. Fazinic, T. Tadic, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, JET Contributors | | Nuclear Fusion |
2021 | EU/JA | Global distribution of tritium in JET with the ITER-like wall | S. E. Lee, Y. Hatano, M. Tokitani, S. Masuzaki, Y. Oya, T. Otsuka, N. Ashikawa, Y. Torikai, N. Asakura, H. Nakamura, K. Isobe, H. Kurotaki, D. Hamaguchi, T. Hayashi, A. Widdowson, S. Jachmich, J. Likonen, M. Rubel | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2020 | EU/JA | Tritium distribution analysis of Be limiter tiles from JET-ITER like wall campaigns using imaging plate technique and β-ray induced X-ray spectrometry | S. E. Lee, Y. Hatano, M. Hara, S. Masuzaki, M. Tokitani, M. Oyaizu, H. Kurotaki, D. Hamaguchi, H. Nakamura, N. Asakura, Y. Oya, J. Likonen, A. Widdowson, S. Jachmich, K. Helariutta, M. Rubel, JET Contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2019 | EU/JA | Comparison of hydrogen isotope retention in divertor tiles of JET with ITER-Like Wall exposed during 2011-2012 and 2015-2016 campaigns | Y. Oya, S. Masuzaki, M. Tokitani, M. Nakata, Fei Sun, M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, T. Otsuka, A. M. Widdowson, J. Likonen, M. Rubel | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2019 | EU/JA | Surface morphology of the bulk tungsten divertor tiles from JET ITER-like wall: Microscopic analysis | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, S. Masuzaki, Y. Hatano, Y. Oya, T. Otsuka, M. Oyaidzu, H. Kurotaki, T. Suzuki, D. Hamaguchi, T. Hayashi, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, S. Jachmich, M. Rubel | | Physica Scripta |
2019 | EU/JA | Determination of retained tritium from ILW dust particles in JET | N. Ashikawa Y. Torikai, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, M. Hara, T. Otsuka, K. Heinola, Y. Hatano, K. Isobe, M. Oyaidzu, S. Masuzaki, T. Hayashi, A. Baron-Wiechec and JET Contributors | | Nuclear Materials Energy |
Other two papers have been submitted.
T1 (Tritium Technology)
Year | IA | Title | Author | DOI | Journal |
2024 | EU | Ab-initio Simulations of Atomic Hydrogen Interaction with Nb and V at Clean and Oxygen Covered Surfaces | A. Vazquez Cortes C.Day, C.Stihl, P.Vladimirov | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2023 | EU | Experimental progress in the development of a metal foil pump for DEMO | Y. K. Kathage, A. Vazquez Cortes, S. Merli, C. Day, T. Giegerich, S. Hanke, Y. Igithkanov, A. Schulz, M. Walker | | Plasma |
2023 | EU | Admixed pellets for fast and efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases: investigations at AUG exploring the option for EU-DEMO | PT Lang, L.R. Baylor, R. Dux, Ch. Day, R.M. McDermott, T. Gleiter, T. Giegerich, A. Kallenbach, B. Ploeckl, V. Rohde, A. Zito, ASDEX Upgrade Team | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | EU | Development of non evaporable getter pumps for large hydrogen throughput and capacity in high vacuum regimes | E. Sartori M. Siragusa, P. Sonato, F. Siviero, M. Mura, E. Maccallini, A. Ferrara, P. Manini, S. Hanke, C. Day | | Vacuum |
2023 | EU | Experimental characterisation of a NEG pump of novel size - a major step to its application in DEMO neutral beam injectors | S. Hanke, C.Day, T.Giegerich, X.Luo, F.Siviero, M.Mura, B.Busetto, E.Maccallini, P.Manini, E.Sartori, M.Siragusa, P.Sonato | | Energies |
2023 | EU | Methods to minimise effective public dose in the event of an accident at a fusion power plant | G Karajgikar, R.Lawless, T.Xu, J.O'Callaghan, B.Butler | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | EU | Modeling of the HCPB He-CPS for EU-DEMO - Process simulations of Molecular Sieves & NEG sorbents | J.C Schwenzer, A. Santucci, C. Day | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2023 | EU | Can tritium monitoring and control requirements be met by existing technologies? | T Tijssen, B. Butler | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2022 | EU | Preliminary assessment of tritium permeation and retention in the European Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module with TESSIM-h | R. Arredondo, K. Schmid, I. Ricapito, A. Lukenskas, G.A. Spagnuolo | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2022 | EU | Operational Tritium Inventories in the EU-DEMO Fuel Cycle | J.C. Schwenzer, C. Day, T. Giegerich, A. Santucci | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2022 | EU | The role of grain boundaries and denuded zones for tritium retention in high-dose neutron irradiated beryllium | N. Zimber, P. Vladimirov | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | JA | Development of a compact real-time process gas analysis system for tritium accountancy for a DEMO fusion reactor by an application of laser Raman spectroscopy | S. O'hira, Y. Edao, K. Isobe, Y. Iwai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2021 | JA | Basic concept of JA DEMO fuel cycle | Y. Iwai, Y. Edao, R. Kurata, K Isobe | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
Other two papers have been submitted.
T2 (Structural Materials)
Year | IA | Title | Author | DOI | Journal |
2024 | JA | Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Radiation-Induced Amorphization in the Cr-W-C Ternary M23C6 | Sho Kano, Huilong Yang, Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Tamaki Shibayama, Hiroaki Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2024 | EU | Influence of transmutation induced Re/Os content on the defects evaluation in neutron irradiated W | M Klimenkov, U. Jäntsch, M. Rieth, H.C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, W. Van Renterghem | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2023 | JA | Ductility Evaluation for Small Plate Specimens by Fracture Surface Shape Change | Toshiya Nakata, Taichiro Kato, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | JA | Effect of solid solution tungsten on the radiation-induced amorphization in bulk M23C6fabricated by vacuum induction melting | Sho Kano, Huilong Yang, Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroaki Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2023 | JA | Chemical and topological disordering in M23C6due to irradiation: an atomic-scale observation | Sho Kano, Huilong Yang, Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Tamaki Shibayama, Hiroaki Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2023 | EU | An empirical potential for simulating hydrogen isotope retention in highly irradiated tungsten | DR Mason, Duc Nguyen-Manh, Victor W. Lindblad, Fredric G. Granberg, Mikhail Yu. Lavrentiev | | Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter |
2023 | EU | Athermal evolution of nanocrystalline tungsten driven by irradiation | Pui-Wai Ma, Daniel R. Mason, Steven Van Boxel, Sergei L. Dudarev | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2023 | EU | Simulation of defect build-up in tungsten during low energy irradiation | J Wu, F. Granberg | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2023 | JA | Irradiation temperature and dose rate dependence of void swelling in RAFM steel during irradiation: Reaction rate theory analysis | Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kazunori Morishita, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | EU | γ-photons and high-energy electrons produced by neutron irradiation in nuclear materials | Luca Reali, Mark R. Gilbert, Max Boleininger, Sergei L. Dudarev | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2023 | EU | Athermal swelling and creep of heavily irradiated iron under uniaxial stress | Luca Stefanescu, Max Boleininger, Pui-Wai Ma | | Physical Review Materials |
2023 | EU | Microstructural insights into EUROFER97 batch 3 steels | Michael Duerrschnabel, Ute Jäntsch, Ramil Gaisin, Michael Rieth | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2023 | JA | Real-time measurement of minimum cross-sectional area and radius of curvature of miniature plate specimens using a high-speed laser profiler for calculating true stress-true strain curves | Taichiro Kato, Xiaoyong Ruan, Takashi Nozawa | | Measurement Science and Technology |
2023 | JA | The applicability of remote field eddy current testing to outer flaws on cooling tubes in the blanket of a fusion DEMO reactor | Mizuki Kako, Takuma Tomizawa, Jiuhao Ge, Xiaoyong Ruan, Takashi Nozawa, Noritaka Yusa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | EU | Comparison of K-doped and pure cold-rolled tungsten sheets: Microstructure restoration in different temperature regimes | P.Lied, W.Pantleon, C.Bonnekoh, M.Dürrschnabel, C.Bienert, A.Hoffmann, J.Reiser, M.Rieth | | International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials |
2023 | JA | Radiation-induced amorphization behavior of thermally-aged M23C6in F82H-BA12 steel | Sho Kano, Huilong Yang, Reuben Holmes, Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Takashi Nozawa, Tamaki Shibayama, Hiroaki Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology |
2023 | JA | Multiaxial creep-fatigue constitutive modeling and damage evaluation for type F82H steel under non-proportional loading conditions | Le Xu, Lei He, Takaki Kojima, Takashi Nozawa, Takamoto Itoh | | International Journal of Fatigue |
2023 | EU | Mobility of carbon-decorated screw dislocations in bcc iron | L. Ventelon, D. Caillard, L. Lüthi, E. Clouet, D. Rodney, F. Willaime | | Acta Materialia |
2023 | JA | Irradiation hardening and void swelling behaviors of F82H IEA by using dual-ion irradiation | Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Takashi Nozawa | | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology |
2023 | JA | Microstructural evolution in tungsten binary alloys under proton and self-ion irradiations at 800 °C | Takeshi Miyazawa, Yuta Kikuchi, Masami Ando, Ju-Hyeon Yu, Kiyohiro Yabuuchi, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Shuhei Nogami, Akira Hasegawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | EU | Microstructure of a heavily irradiated metal exposed to a spectrum of atomic recoils | M. Boleininger, D.R.Mason, A.E.Sand, S.L.Dudarev | | Nature |
2022 | EU | Hardening mechanisms of “cold” rolled tungsten after neutron irradiation: Indentation and finite elements modelling | S Dellis, X. Xiao, D. Terentyev, E. Manios, K. Mergia | | International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials |
2022 | JA | Probabilistic failure assessment of an irradiated DEMO breeding blanket component under ferromagnetic loads: Impacts of material data scattering and uncertainty in local stress intensities | Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Xiaoyong Ruan, Takashi Nozawa, Yutai Katoh | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | JA | Size and Temperature Dependence of the Point Defect Binding Free Energy to Defect Clusters in bcc Fe | Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kazunori Morishita, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | | Plasma and Fusion Research: Rapid Communications |
2022 | EU | Fracture-mechanical behaviour of ITER grade tungsten subjected to three different rolling processes | E. Gaganidze, A. Chauhan, J. Aktaa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2022 | JA | Probe Design for the Eddy Current Inspection of Cooling Tubes inthe Blanket of a Fusion DEMO Reactor | Mizuki Kako, Takuma Tomizawa, Jiuhao Ge, Takashi Nozawa, Noritaka Yusa | | Plasma and Fusion Research: Regular Articles |
2022 | EU | Microstructural analysis of W irradiated at different temperatures | Michael Klimenkov, M. Dürrschnabel, U. Jaentsch, P. Lied, M. Rieth, H.C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, W. Van Renterghem | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | EU | Grand Challenges in Nuclear Engineering | S. L. Dudarev | | Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering |
2022 | EU | Ab initio investigation of the screw dislocation-hydrogen interaction in bcc tungsten and iron | P.P.P.O. Borges, E. Clouet, L. Ventelon | | Acta Materialia |
2022 | EU | Volume of a dislocation network | Max Boleininger, Sergei L. Dudarev, Daniel R. Mason, and Enrique Martínez | | Physical Review Materials |
2022 | EU | Probabilistic analysis of cleavage fracture in commercial polycrystalline tungsten | Mathias Jetter, Jarir Aktaa, | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | JA | Effect of uniaxial tensile strain on binding energy of hydrogen atoms to vacancy-carbon-hydrogen complexes in α-iron | Shintaro Hirayama, Koichi Satoa, Daiji Kato, Hirotomo Iwakiri, Masatake Yamaguchi, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Takashi Nozawa | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2022 | EU | Generalized universal equation of states for magnetic materials: A novel formulation for an interatomic potential in Fe | Isaac Toda-Caraballo, Jan S. Wróbel, and Duc Nguyen-Manh | | Physical Review Materials |
2022 | JA | Development of non-destructive testing (NDT) technique for HIPed interface by Compton scattering X-ray spectroscopy | Hiroshi Sakurai, Kosuke Suzuki, Shoya Ishii, Kazushi Hoshi, Takashi Nozawa, Hidetsugu Ozaki, Hiroto Haga, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Yoji Someya, Masao Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Takeuchi, Naruki Tsuji | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2022 | EU | Effect of temperature on the neutron irradiation-induced cavities in tungsten | A Chauhan, Q. Yuan, D. Litvinov, E. Gaganidze, H-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, J. Aktaa | | Philosophical Magazine |
2022 | JA | Phase decomposition of oxide film of flow accelerated corroded F82H steel under high-temperature iron irradiation | Sho Kano, Huilong Yang, John McGrady, Motoki Nakajima, Masami Ando, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroaki Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | JA | Mechanical properties of self-ion irradiated pure tungsten using nano-indentation test and micro-tensile test | J.H. Yu, H. Kurotaki, M. Ando, T. Nozawa | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2022 | EU | Interaction of Transmutation Products with Precipitates, Dislocations and Grain Boundaries in Neutron Irradiated W | M.J. Lloyd, A. J. London,M. Gilbert,C. S. Becquart,C. Domain,E. Martinez,M. Moody,P. A. J. Bagot,D. Nguyen-Manh,D. E. J. Armstrong | | Materialia |
2022 | EU | The beneficial effect of rolling on the fracture toughness and R-curve behavior of pure tungsten | D. Firneis, S. Wurster, V. Nikolic, R. Pippan, A. Hohenwarter | | Materials Science and Engineering: A |
2021 | EU | Macroscopic elastic stress and strain produced by irradiation | L. Reali, M. Boleininger, M. R. Gilbert, S.L. Dudarev | | Nuclear Fusion |
2021 | EU | Estimate for thermal diffusivity in highly irradiated tungsten using Molecular Dynamics simulation | DR Mason, M. Reza, F. Granberg, F. Hofmann | | Physical Review Materials |
2021 | EU | Mobility of screw dislocation in BCC tungsten at high temperature in presence of carbon | L. Ventelon, G. Hachet, D. Caillard, L. Ventelon, E. Clouet | | Acta Materialia |
2021 | JA | Radiation-induced amorphization of M23C6 in F82H steel: An atomic-scale observation | S. Kano, H. Yang, J. McGrady, Y. Watanabe, M. Ando, D. Hamaguchi, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, K. Yoshida, T. Shibayama, H. Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU | Thermal stability of the microstructure in rolled tungsten for fusion reactors | W Pantleon, | | Physica Scripta |
2021 | JA | Status and the challenge of Japanese materials property handbook to facilitate structural design criteria for DEMO in-vessel coponents | T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, T. Kojima, T. Itoh, N. Hiyoshi, M. Ohata, T. Kato, M. Ando, M. Nakajima, T. Hirose, J. D. Reed, X. Chen, J. W. Geringer, Y. Katoh | | Nuclear Fusion |
2021 | EU | Parameter-free quantitative simulation of high-dose microstructure and hydrogen retention in ion-irradiated tungsten | DR Mason, F. Granberg, M. Boleininger, T. Schwarz-Selinger, K. Nordlund, S.L. Dudarev | | Physical Review Materials |
2021 | EU | Molecular dynamics simulations of high-dose damage production and defect evolution in tungsten | F Granberg, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU | Perspectives on multiscale modelling and experiments to accelerate materials development for fusion | MR Gilbert, K. Arakawa, Z. Bergstrom, M.J. Caturla, S.L. Dudarev, F. Gao, M.R. Gilbert, A.M. Goryaeva, S.Y. Hu, X. Hu, R.J. Kurtz, A. Litnovsky, J. Marian, M.-C. Marinica, E. Martinez, E.A. Marquis, D.R. Mason, B.N. Nguyen, P. Olsson, Y. Osetskiy, D. Senor, W. Setyawan, M.P. Short, T. Suzudo, J.R. Trelewicz, T. Tsuru, G.S. Was, B.D. Wirth, L. Yang, Y. Zhang, S.J. Zinkle | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU | First principles model for voids decorated by transmutation solutes: Short-range order effects and application to neutron irradiated tungsten | DM Nguyen, J. Wrobel, M. Klimenkov, M. Lloyd, L. Messina, S. Dudarev | | Physical Review Materials |
2021 | EU | Impact of neutron irradiation on hardening of baseline and advanced tungsten grades and its link to initial microstructure | C. Yin, D. Terentyev, A. Dubinko, T. Zhang, M. Wirtz, S. Antush, R. H. Petrov, T. Pardoen | | Nuclear Fusion |
2021 | EU/JA | DEMO Structural Materials Qualification and Development | M. Gorley, G. Aiello, J. Henry, T. Nozawa, G. Pintsuk, M. Rieth, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2021 | EU | Elastic dipole tensors and relaxation volumes of point defects in concentrated random magnetic Fe-Cr alloys | J. Wrobel, M.R. Zemla, D. Nguyen-Manh, P. Olsson, L. Messina, C. Domain, T. Wejrzanowski, S. L. Dudarev | | Computational Materials Science |
2021 | EU | Microstructure and hardening induced by neutron irradiation in single crystal, ITER specification and cold rolled tungsten | A. Dubinko, D. Terentyev, C. Yin, W. Van Renterghem, B. Rossaert, M. Rieth, E.E. Zhurkin, A. Zinovev, C.C. Chang, S. Van Dyck, G. Bonny, | | International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials |
2021 | EU | Technology Readiness Assessment of Materials for DEMO In-Vessel Applications | M. Richardson, M. Gorley, Y. Wang, G. Aiello, G. Pintsuk, E. Gaganidze, M. Richou, J. Henry, R. Vila, M. Rieth, E. Surrey | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU | Post-irradiation annealing of the neutron irradiated EUROFER97 | A. Chauhan, Q. Yuan, C. Dethloff, E. Gaganidze, J. Aktaa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU | Additive manufacturing technologies for EUROFER97 components | S.. Bonk, H. Neuberger, D. Beckers, J. Koch, S. Antusch, M. Rieth | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU | Development of CuCrZr via Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (EB-PBF) | N. Ordas, L.Portolés, M.Azpeleta, A.Gómez, J.R.Blasco, M.Martinez, J.Ureña, I.Iturriza | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Fracture-mechanical behavior of neutron irradiated tungsten | E. Gaganidze, A. Chauhan, H.-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, B. Rossaert, J. Aktaa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Fracture-mechanical properties of neutron irradiated ITER specification tungsten | E. Gaganidze, A. Chauhan, H.-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, G.Borghmans, J. Aktaa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Anisotropy in the hardness of single crystal tungsten before and after neutron irradiation | C. Yin, G. Bonny, D. Terentyev | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature of advanced tungsten alloys for nuclear fusion applications deduced by miniaturized three-point bending tests | C. Yin, D. Terentyev, T. Zhang, S. Nogami, S. Antusch, C. Chang, R. H. Petrov, T. Pardoen | | International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials |
2020 | JA | Pressurized Thermal Shock Analysis of a Reactor Pressure Vessel for Optimizing the Maintenance Strategy: Effect of Asymmetric Reactor Cooling | X. Ruan, K. Morishita | | Nuclear Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU | Comparison of K-doped and pure cold-rolled tungsten sheets: Tensile properties and brittle-to-ductile transition temperatures | P. Lied, W. Pantleon, C. Bonnekoh, S. Bonk, A. Hoffmann, J. Reiser, M. Rieth | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Effect of Non-Heisenberg Magnetic Interactions on Defects in Ferromagnetic Iron | JBJ. Chapman, P.-W. Ma, S.L. Dudarev | | Physical Review B |
2020 | EU | Computational analysis of the evolution of the brittle-to-ductile transition of tungsten under fusion conditions | M.A. Oude Vrielink, J.A.W. van Dommelen, M.G.D. Geers | | Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering |
2020 | EU | Microstructural evolution in single tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites during annealing: recrystallization and abnormal grain growth | U.M.Ciucani, L.Haus, H.Gietl, J.Riesch, W. Pantleon | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Effect of statistically stored dislocations in tungsten on the irradiation induced nano-hardening analyzed by different methods | G. Bonny, T. Khvan, A. Bakaeva, Y. Chao, A. Dubinko, C. Cabet, M. Loyer-Prost, N. Castin, A. Bakaev, D. Terentyev | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Effects of stress triaxiality and strain rate on the fracture of a CuCrZr alloy | Y. Wang, O.Mohamed, K.Dunn, T.Sui, M.Bashir, P.Cooper, A.Lukenskas, G.Wu, M.Gorley | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Statistical mechanics of kinks on a gliding screw dislocation | M. Boleininger, M.Gallauer, S.L.Dudarev, T.D.Swinburne, D.R.Mason, D.Perez | | Physical Review Research |
2020 | EU | Multiscale Analysis of Dislocation Loops and Voids in Tungsten | PW. Ma, D. R. Mason, S. L. Dudarev | | Physical Review Materials |
2020 | JA | Helium effect on the sink strength of grain boundaries in F82H | M. Zushi, N. Hashimoto, D. Hamaguchi, Y. Watanabe, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | JA | Materials atrength standard of F82H for RCC-MRx | H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, T. Kato, T. Nozawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU | Indentation testing on 3 MeV proton irradiated tungsten | R. Rayaprolu, S. Möller, R. Abernethy, M. Rasinski, J.C. Haley, Ch. Linsmeier | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2020 | EU | Direct observation of dislocation loops shrinkage upon annealing neutron-irradiated Fe-9Cr alloy | Q. Yuan, A.Chauhan, E.Gaganidze, J.Aktaa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | The brittle-to-ductile transition in cold-rolled tungsten sheets: Contributions of grain and subgrain boundaries to the enhanced ductility after pre-deformation | C. Bonnekoh, P. Lied, S. Zaefferer, U. Jäntsch, A. Hoffmann, J. Reiser, M. Rieth | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2020 | EU | The effect on the mechanical response of Cr and Ni segregation on dislocation lines in bcc Fe | M.I. Pascuet, G. Bonny, G. Monnet, L. Malerba | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | JA | Evaluation of fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, F82H for development of design criteria | T. Hirose, T. Kato, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, T. Nozawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | JA | Hydrogen retention behavior of primary precipitates in F82H steel: Atomistic calculation based on the density functional theory | Y. Watanabe, H. Iwakiri, N. Murayosho, D. Kato, K. Sato, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU | Machine learning surrogate models for prediction of point defect vibrational entropy | C Lapointe, T D Swinburne, L Thiry, S Mallat, L Proville, C S Becquart M-C Marinica | | Physical Review Materials |
2020 | JA | Mechanical properties of three kinds of ITER-Grade pure tungsten with different manufacturing process | J.H. Yu, H. Tanigawa, D. Hamaguchi, T. Nozawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
Other six papers have been submitted.
T3 (Functional Materials)
Year | IA | Title | Author | DOI | Journal |
2024 | JA | Deuterium retention properties of vanadium beryllide (Be12V) for advanced neutron multiplier applications | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Masaru Nakamichi, Mitsutaka Miyamoto | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2024 | JA | Development of Advanced Ternary Beryllium Intermetallic Compounds | Taehyun HWANG, Jae-hwan KIM, Yutaka SUGIMOTO, Yoshiaki AKATSU, Suguru NAKANO, Masaru NAKAMICHI | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2024 | JA | Current progress on fabrication processes of breeding functional materials for JA DEMO fusion applications | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Masaru Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2024 | JA | Helium swelling behavior for Neutron multipliers after irradiation with He ions at high temperatures, | Yutaka Sugimoto Mitsutaka Miyamoto Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Masaru Nakamichi | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2023 | JA | Kinetic study on leaching process of beryl with basic solution under microwave heating | Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Ryuta Kasada, Masaru Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | JA | Compatibility of tritium breeders and neutron multipliers as a mixture-packing concept of pebble bed blanket for JA DEMO fusion reactor | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | JA | Compression properties of beryllide pebbles at high temperatures | Taehyun Hwang, Jae-Hwan Kim,Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Yutaka Sugimoto, Masaru Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | JA | Tritium Release Behavior from Neutron-Irradiated Li2+xTiO3+y with 20wt% Li2ZrO3 Pebbles under Different Atmosphere | Akito Ipponsugi, Kazunari Katayama, Tsuyoshi Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | EU | Beryllium Intermetallics: Industrial Experience on Development and Manufacture | R Gaisin, Ye.Frants, M.Kolmakov, B.Zorin, M.Kylyshkanov, M.Podoinikov, S.Udartsev, A.Vechkutov, V.Chakin, P.Vladimirov | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2023 | JA | Tensile properties of titanium beryllium intermetallic compounds | Taehyun Hwang, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yutaka Sugimoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | JA | Effect of the inside pressure of helium bubbles on the morphology and mobility in beryllium | Yutaka Sugimoto, Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Kazutomo Hara, Mitsutaka Haruta, Hiroki Kurata, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Masaru Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2023 | EU | Lanthanum plumbide as a new neutron multiplier material | R Gaisin, P.Pereslavtsev, S.Baumgaertner, K.Seemann, E.Gaisina, V.Chakin, S.Udartsev, P.Vladimirov, B.Gorr | | Journal of Materials Science and Technology |
2022 | EU | Recent studies to the impact of ceramic breeder environment on the mechanical properties of EUROFER97 under operating conditions | E. Gaisina, M. Duerrschnabel, J. Leys, R. Knitter, J. Aktaa, M. Walte | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | EU | Nanoscale insights into the corrosion of EUROFER by lithium ceramics | M. Duerrschnabel, E. Gaisina, R. Gaisin, M. Walter, J. Aktaa, M. Rieth | | Corrosion Science |
2022 | JA | Mechanical properties of beryllium-titanium intermetallic compounds fabricated by plasma sintering | T. Hwang, J.-H. Kim, S. Nakano, M. Nakamichi | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2021 | JA | The influence of the long-term heating under H2 atmosphere on the tritium release behavior from the neutron-irradiated Li2TiO3 | A. Ipponsugi, K. Katayama, T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2021 | JA | Deuterium desorption and retention of beryllium intermetallic compounds for fusion applications | J. Kim, T. Hwang, S. Nakano, M. Miyamoto, H. Iwakiri, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2021 | EU/JA | Thermo-mechanical behavior of titanium beryllide pebble beds at ambient temperature | J. Reimann, B. Fretz, R. Gaisin, A. Goraieb, J. Kim, S. Nakano, M. Nakamichi, P. Vladimirov | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU | Current status and future perspectives of EU ceramic breeder development | O. Leys, J.M. Leys, R. Knitter | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | JA | Deuterium and helium desorption behavior and microstructure evolution in beryllium during annealing | Y. Sugimoto, M. Nakamichi, J.Kim, H. Kurata, M. Haruta, M. Miyamoto | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | A first approach towards DEM analysis of plasticity in pebble beds | M. Moscardini, S. Pupeschi, M. Kamlah | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU | Assessment of multiscale tritium desorption models from (0001) Be surfaces | C. Stihl, P. V. Vladimirov, A. Möslang | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | JA | Influence of Lithium Mass Transfer on Tritium Behavior in Pebbles of Li2TiO3 with Excess Lithium | K. Katayama, A. Ipponsugi, T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU | Ab initio study of hydrogen diffusion in Be and Be12Ti for fusion applications | D.V. Bachurin, C. Stihl, P.V. Vladimirov | | Computational Materials Science |
2020 | EU | Investigation of high-dose irradiated beryllium microstructure | N. Zimber, P. Vladimirov, M.Klimenkov, V. Kuksenko | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | EU | Radiation-induced effects in neutron- and electron-irradiated lithium silicate ceramic breeder pebbles | J.M. Leys, A.Zarins, J.Cipa, L.Baumane, G.Kizane, R.Knitter | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2020 | JA | Compatibility of advanced tritium breeders and neutron multipliers | J. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
Other one paper has been submitted.
T4 (Corrosion Database)
Year | IA | Title | Author | DOI | Journal |
2023 | JA | Effect of Magnetic Field on High-Temperature and High-Pressure Water Corrosion Property of F82H |
Motoki Nakajima, Takashi Nozawa | | Plasma and Fusion Research: Rapid Communications |
2023 | EU | Water Chemistry Impact on Activated Corrosion Products: An Assessment on Tokamak Reactors | Molinari, M.; D’Onorio, M.; Mariano, G.; Terranova, N.; Caruso, G. | | Energies |
2023 | EU | Modeling the Transport of Activated Corrosion Products in the WCLL PbLi Loop for ITER and the EU DEMO With the GETTHEM Code | Fabrizio Lisanti; Pietro Arena; Roberto Bonifetto; Antonio Froio; Francisco Alberto Hernández González; Gandolfo Alessandro Spagnuolo, Roberto Zanino | | IEEE Access |
2022 | EU | Comparative study of the mechanical properties after proton irradiation of Al2O3and Si-SiC ceramics for fusion breeding blanket applications | J.M. Garcia, M.Gonzáles, F.Sánchez | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2022 | EU | Compatibility of niobium, vanadium and P22 steel in high temperature flowing LiPb | A Venturini, S. Bassini, C. Ciantelli, A. Fiore, D. Martelli, F. Papa, M. Utili | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2022 | EU | RAVEN/OSCAR-Fusion coupling for activated corrosion oroducts assessments, sensitivity, and uncertainty quantification | M. D'Onorio, M. Molinari, G. Mariano, N. Terranova | | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science |
2022 | EU | Activated Corrosion Products Evaluations for Occupational Dose Mitigation in Nuclear Fusion Facilities | Terranova, N.; Breidokaité, S.; Contessa, G.M.; Di Pace, L.; Gasparrini, C.; Kaliatka, T.; Mariano, G. | | Environments |
2022 | JA | The effect of dissolved oxygen respectively dissolved hydrogen on corrosion behavior of CuCrZr alloy in high temperature water | Yen-Jui Huang, Motoki Nakajima, Hironori Kurotaki, Takashi Nozawa | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2022 | EU | The microstructural in-sight to the mechanical behavior of alumina after high energy proton irradiation | J. Mauricio Garcia, M. Gonzáles, M. Roldan, F. Sánchez | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2022 | EU | Design of the test section for the experimental validation of antipermeation and corrosion barriers for WCLL BB | Marco Utili, C. Alberghi, L. Candido, F. Di Finzi, F. Papa, A. Venturini | | Applied Sciences |
2021 | EU | MHD R&D activities for liquid metal blankets | C. Mistrangelo, L. Bühler, C. Alberghi, S. Bassini, L. Candido, C. Courtessole, A. Tassone, F. R. Urgorri O. Zikanov | | Energies |
2021 | EU | Preliminary assessment of cooling water chemistry for fusion power plants | E. Lo Piccolo, R. Torella, N. Terranova, L. Di Pace, C. Gasparrini, M. Dalla Palma | | Corrosion and Materials Degradation |
2021 | EU | The influence of MHD boundary layers on tritium permeation in PbLi flows for fusion breeding blankets | F.R. Urgorri, C. Moreno, I.Fernández-Berceruelo and D. Rapisarda | | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
2020 | JA | Simultaneous effects of dissolved oxygen and applied stress on surface morphology of steels for cooling systems of blanket module in pressurized water | N. Nakazato, H. Mima, T. Nemoto, M. Nakajima, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, H. Kishimoto | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
Other two papers have been submitted.
In parallel, the activities in DEMO R&D are presented in the various international conferences and others.
Presentation List
JET tile and dust analysis
Year | IA | Title | Author | Conference |
2023 | JA/EU | Co-deposited layers on the poloidal gap surface of bulk tungsten divertor tiles in JET ITER-like wall: Directional effects and nanostructures | Masayuki Tokitani, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Suguru Masuzaki, Yuji Hatano, Sun Eui Lee, Yasuhisa Oya, Hironori Kurotaki, Nobuyuki Asakura, Hirofumi Nakamura, Takumi Hayashi, Marek Rubel, Anna Widdowson, Jari Likonen | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA/EU | Overview of comprehensive tritium retention studies in gaps of castellated beryllium limiters and bulk tungsten lamellae divertor tiles from JET with ITER-like wall | S. Masuzaki, Y. Hatano, S.E. Lee, Y. Oya, M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, Y. Yajima, Y. Torikai, T. Otsuka, N. Ashikawa, N. Asakura, H. Kurotaki, H. Nakamura, T. Hayashi, M. Rubel, A. Widdowson, J. Likonen | 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023) |
2022 | JA/EU | Evaluation of tritium distribution in Be limiter tiles used in JET ITER-like wall campaigns | S.E. Lee, Y. Hatano, S. Masuzaki, Y. Oya, M. Tokitani, M. Yajima, T. Otsuka, N. Ashikawa, Y. Torikai, N. Asakura, H. Nakamura, H. Kurotaki, T. Hayashi, T. Nozawa, J. Likonen, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel | 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology |
2021 | JA/EU | An overview of tritium retention in dust particles from the JET-ILW divertor | T. Otsuka, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, Y. Torikai, Y. Hatano, M. Tokitani, Y. Oya, T. Hayashi, H. Tanigawa, N. Asakura, Y. Iwai, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, JET Contributors | 18th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-18) |
2021 | JA/EU | Tritium retention in dust particles and divertor tiles of JET operated with the ITER-Like Wall | Y. Torikai, G. Kikuchi, S. Masuzaki, T. Otuka, N. Ashikawa, M. Yajima, Y. Oya, Y. Hatano, N. Asakura, T. Hayashi, M. Oyaidzu, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel and JET Contributors | 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020) |
2021 | JA/EU | Global Distribution of Tritium in JET with the ITER-Like Wall | Y. Hatano, S. E. Lee, S. Masuzaki, Y. Oya, T. Otsuka, N. Ashikawa, Y. Torikai, N. Asakura, H. Nakamura, K. Isobe, H. Kurotaki, D. Hamaguchi, T. Hayashi, J. Likonen, S. Koivuranta, A. Widdowson, S. Jachmich, M. Rubel | 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-24) |
T1 (Tritium Technology)
Year | IA | Title | Author | Conference |
2023 | EU | Burn-up fraction in DEMO operation with the Direct Internal Recycling | Yu.L. Igitkhanov T.Giegerich, Ch.Day | 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2023) |
2023 | EU | Integration of plasma physics and technology aspects of the EU-DEMO fuel cycle | C Day M. Barbarino, B. Butler T. Giegerich, J. Igitkhanov, H. Zohm | 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2023) |
2023 | EU | Exploitation of the DSMC method in modelling the particle exhaust of Nuclear Fusion devices | S Varoutis, C. Tantos, Chr. Day, C. P. Dhard, D. Naujoks, W-X Team | DSMC 2023 Conference |
2023 | EU | Admixed pellets for fast and efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases: investigations at AUG exploring the option for EU-DEMO | PT Lang L.R. Baylor, R. Dux, Ch. Day, R.M. McDermott, T. Gleiter, T. Giegerich, A. Kallenbach, B. Ploeckl, V. Rohde, A. Zito, ASDEX Upgrade Team | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Energetic neutral screening of the metal foils in metal foil pumps | Yu.L. Igitkhanov, S. Hanke, Y. Kathage, A.Vazquez , Ch. Day | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Plasma Exhaust Processing System with a Tritium Compatible Reciprocating Pump | Y Kume C. Day | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Simulation and concept design of continuous mercury-driven vacuum pumps for EU-DEMO | T. Teichmann C.Day,T.Giegerich,R.Müller,C.Racinet,H.Strobel | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Tritium inventory evolution modelling for demonstration and future fusion power plants | J.C. Schwenzer C. Day | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Tritium related challenges to be overcome in order to deliver fusion power plants. | B Butler James Bromley, Christian Day, Gowri Karajgikar, Stephen Reynolds, Alessia Santucci, Teuntje TijssenAlex Withycombe | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Assessment of Metal Foil Pump Configurations for EU-DEMO | X Luo Y. Kathage, T. Teichmann, T. Giegerich, S. Hanke, C. Day | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Process Design of Hydrogen Isotope Separation using Temperature Swing Absorption in the EU-DEMO Fuel Cycle | A Uihlein J. Schwenzer, T. Giegerich, C. Day | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Progress in maturation of critical technologies for the EU DEMO fuel cycle | C Day T Giegerich, A Santucci, B Butler | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) |
2023 | EU | Purity requirements for Fusion Power Plant fuel | Yu.L. Igitkhanov T.Giegerich,Ch.Day | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) |
2023 | EU | The Fuel Cycle Simulator of the EU-DEMO Fuel Cycle | J.C. Schwenzer C. Day | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) |
2023 | EU | DEMO exhaust processing system: layout overview and permeator performances | A Santucci V. Narcisi, L. Farina, J.C. Schwenzer, T. Giegerich, C. Day | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | EU | Experimental and numerical investigation of expanding mercury vapour jets | T Teichmann T.Giegerich, C.Day | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | EU | Product engineering of the DEMO torus vacuum system | T. Giegerich, C.Day, S.Hanke, J.Schwenzer, T.Teichmann | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | EU | Progress in maturation of critical technologies for the EU DEMO fuel cycle | C. Day, T. Giegerich, A. Santucci, B. Butler | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | EU | Purity requirements for Fusion Power Plant fuel | Yu.L. Igitkhanov, T. Giegerich, Ch.Day | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | EU | The Fuel Cycle Simulator of the EU-DEMO Fuel Cycle | J.C. Schwenzer, C. Day | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | EU | Numerical and experimental investigations of a linear microwave plasma source for metal foil pumps for DEMO | S. Merli, Y. Kathage, A. Schulz, M. Walker, S. Hanke, C. Day, G. Tovar | 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2023) |
2023 | EU | Transient modeling of neutral gas flow in particle exhaust system of fusion reactors | C. Tantos, S.Varoutis, C.Day | DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) |
2023 | EU | Numerical and experimental investigations of a linear microwave plasma source for metal foil pumps for DEMO | S. Merli, Y. Kathage, A. Schulz, M. Walker, S. Hanke, C. Day, G. Tovar | 86th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section (SMuK) |
2022 | EU | Can tritium monitoring and control requirements be met by existing technologies? | T Tijssen, B. Butler | 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology |
2022 | EU | Overview of tritium designs and developments for European DEMO | C. Day, TFV team | 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology |
2022 | JA | R&D activities on tritium technology for ITER and JA DEMO at the Tritium Process Laboratory | Y. EDAO, K. ISOBE, R. KURATA, Y. IWAI | 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology |
2022 | EU | The effect of co-and counter-permeation on tritium transport in HCPB and WCLL breeding blanket environments | S.J. Hendricks, E. Carella, C. Moreno, F.R. Urgorri, J. Molla | 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology |
2022 | EU | EU-DEMO Fuel Cycle Operation Modelling and Design | J C Schwenzer, | Technical Meeting on Plasma Physics and Technology Aspects of the Tritium Fuel Cycle for Fusion Energy |
2022 | EU | Direct Simulation Monte Carlo of Mercury Driven Linear Diffusion Pumps for EU-DEMO Torus Exhaust Pumping | T Teichmann, T.Giegerich, C.Day | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | EU-DEMO fuel cycle performance metrics and tritium self-sufficiency criteria | J.C. Schwenzer, C. Day | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Hydrogen Isotope Separation process development for the EU-DEMO Fuel Cycle | A. Uihlein, T. Giegerich, C. Day | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Modelling of tritium transport in breeding blankets: influence of neutron trap creation | J. Dark, R.Delaporte-Mathurin, E.A.Hodille, J.Mougenot, Y.Charles, C.Grisolia | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Tritium transport in WCLL outboard breeding blanket of EU-DEMO reactor under pulsed plasma operation | L. Candido, C. Alberghi, P. Arena, F. Moro, S. Noce, M. Utili, M. Zucchetti | The Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE 2022) |
T2 (Structural Materials)
Year | IA | Title | Author | Conference |
2023 | EU | A FFT-based approach to account for elastic interactions in OkMC: application to the evolution of dislocation loops in Fe | CJ Ortiz, Rodrigo Santos-Güemes, Javier Segurado | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | A multi-scale model for stress, strain and swelling of nuclear reactor components under irradiation | L Reali, M. Boleininger, M.R. Gilbert, S.L. Dudarev | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU/JA | Assessment of mechanical properties of commercial tungsten grades: effect of annealing and neutron irradiation | D. Terentyev, E. Gaganidze, W.Pantleon, M. Wirtz, G. Pintsuk, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, G. Aiello, A. Chauhan, C.C. Chang | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Binding energy of hydrogen atoms to vacancy-carbon-hydrogen complexes in α-iron under uniaxial compressive and hydrostatic strain | T. Taniguchi, K. Sato, D. Kato, H. Iwakiri, Y. Watanabe, T. Nozawa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Development of Material Database and Material Property Handbook for EU DEMO | E. Gaganidze, S. Ahmad, J. Gao, F. Gillemot, I. Szenthe, S. Moritz, A. Norman, J. Echols, D. Terentyev, G. Pintsuk, G. Aiello | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Dislocation loop evolution under isochronal annealing in neutron irradiated tungsten | Q Yuan, E. Gaganidze, D. Litvinov, H-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, J. Aktaa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Effect of helium irradiation on hydrogen behavior in RAFM steel | M. Miyamoto, D. Nishijima, N. Funo, Y. Watanabe | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Effect of helium on μ-fracture strength for multi-ion irradiated F82H by μ-tensile testing | Masami Ando, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Effect of hydrogen on mechanical properties in single-crystal tungsten irradiated with Fe ions at high temperatures | K. Sato, K. Ueno, D.C. Geng, R. Kasada, M. Ando, K. Yabuuchi, Q. Xu, M. Hatakeyama, Y. Watanabe, T. Nozawa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Formation of helical dislocations in FeCr alloys by collision cascades next to screw dislocations | S. Heredia-Avalos, C. D. Denton, J. C. Moreno-Martín, M. J. Caturla, E. Martínez | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Fracture mechanisms of ITER grade tungsten under static and cyclic loading | MP Pegritz, S.Wurster, A.Hohenwarter, R.Pippan | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Methodology for crack tolerance assessment in irradiation embrittled EUROFER Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic (RAFM) steel | M Jetter, J.Aktaa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Microstructure and texture evolution of differently rolled tungsten plates during recrystallization at 1175 °C | W. Pantleon, K. Wang. | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Multiscale computational modeling of helium effects on cavity swelling rate and peak temperature in RAFM steel under different irradiation fields | Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kazunori Morishita, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Neutron-generated photon energy spectra and effects of neutron-photon-electron energy transfer in irradiated materials | L Reali, M.R. Gilbert, M. Boleininger, S.L. Dudarev | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Radiation induced amorphization of M23C6: An atomic-scale observation | Sho Kano, Huilong Yang, Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Tamaki Shibayama, Hiroaki Abe | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Reference standard strength for neutron-irradiated reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H toward DEMO design | Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Jordan Reed, Taichiro Kato, Xiang Chen, Masami Ando, Dai Hamaguchi, Joshina W Geringer, Yutai Katoh | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Review and analysis of CuCrZr Thermophysical Properties: Current Status and Research Needs for the EUROfusion Materials Property Handbook | J. Echols, L. Norman, J. Gao, E. Gaganidze, M. Richardson, Y. Wang | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Study of the defects produced by a collision cascade in alpha-iron with a 1/2 <111>{110} edge dipole. Influence of the distance between the origin of the cascade and the dislocations | C.D. Denton, S. Heredia-Avalos, J. C. Moreno-Martín, M. J. Caturla, E. Martinez | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | The effect of microstructure on recrystallization and neutron irradiation defects annealing on two ITER grade tungsten materials | D Papadakis, K.Mergia,E.Manios,S.Messoloras | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU/JA | Towards the Standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques for Fusion Applications | Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente, Jarir Aktaa, Xiang Chen, David Cinger, Enrique Chomik, Thomas Davis, Philip Earp, John Echols, Ermile Gaganidze, Rebeca Hernández Pascual, Peter Hosemann, Enrico Lucon, Takuya Nagasaka, Shuhei Nogami, Hendrik S. Nolles, Takashi Nozawa, Mitsuru Ohata, Marta Serrano García, Yao Shen, Mikhail Sokolov, Dmitry Terentyev, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Mario Walter, Hannah Wilcox, Alexander Zinovev | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Irradiation-induced stress at reactor component scale | L. Reali, M. Boleininger, M.R. Gilbert, S.L. Dudarev | 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2023) |
2023 | EU | Defect recovery in high-dose ion irradiated Fe | Eleni Mitsi, T. Dunatov, U. Jäntsch, M. Klimenkov, G. Provatas, M. Axiotis, A. Lagoyannis, T. Tadić, G. Apostolopoulos | XXXVII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science |
2023 | EU | Brittle Fracture Assessment for Tungsten and Tungsten alloy components | M. Jetter, J. Aktaa | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | JA | Fracture toughness evaluation by the 3 points bending for pure tungsten | Ju-Hyeon Yu, Takashi Nozawa | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | JA | RAFM materials database, model data inputs and future developments toward DEMO | Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Xiang Chen, Masami Ando, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Motoki Nakajima, Taichro Kato, Yutai Katoh | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | JA | DEMO structural materials R&D in Japan: Progress and prospects with TRL and attribute guides analysis | Takashi Nozawa, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Masami Ando, Motoki Nakajima, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | JA | Numerical Analysis for Evaluation of Cold Crack Susceptibility in Laser Beam Welds of Dissimilar Materials’ Joints for Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel F82H and Type 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel | Hiroaki Mori, Hisashi Serizawa, Taichiro Kato, Takanori Hirose, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | 12th International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC2023) |
2023 | JA | Fatigue Dmage Assessment of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steeel by Hydrogen Thermal Desportion Analysis | Shin-ichi Komazaki, Ryosuke Akama, Kenta Sagawa, Koichi Sato, Taichro Kato, Masami Ando, Takashi Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM20) |
2023 | EU | Characterisation of radiation damage in fusion-relevant materials | G Apostolopoulos | 19th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-19) |
2023 | JA | Influence of the size of cooling tubes in the blanket of a fusion DEMO reactor on the capability of non-destructive inspection | M. Kako, T. Tomizawa, J. Ge, X. Ruan, T. Nozawa, N. Yusa | 16th Asia Pacific Conference for Non-Destructive Testing 2023 (APCNDT2023) |
2022 | EU | Effect of neutron irradiation to 0.7 and 1.4 dpa on the tensile mechanical properties and microstructure of EUROFER97 steel | Aleksandr Zinovev, Chih-Cheng Chang, Jelle Van Eyken, Ermile Gaganidze, Dmitry Terentyev | 2022 Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat2022) |
2022 | JA | Effect of transmutation gas atoms on cavity formation around grain boundaries in F82H | Naoyuki Hashimoto, Hiroshi Oka, Masami Ando, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Takashi Nozawa | 2022 Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat2022) |
2022 | EU | Review and meta-analysis of Tungsten and Tungsten Alloy Thermophysical Properties: Current Status and Research Needs for the EUROfusion Materials Property Handbook | J. Echols, M. Richards, L. Norman, Y. Wang | 2022 Nuclear Materials Conference (NuMat2022) |
2022 | EU | An eigenstrain-body force multi-scale model for stress, strain and swelling of nuclear reactor components under irradiation | L. Reali, M. Boleininger, M. Gilbert, S. Dudarev | 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10) |
2022 | EU | The volume of dislocation networks created by irradiation | M. Boleiniger, S.L.Dudarev, D.R. Mason, E.Martínez | 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10) |
2022 | JA | Applicability of Linear Friction Welding to RAFM steel F82H | Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Taichiro Kato, Masami Ando, Yasuhiro Aoki, Hidetoshi Fujii, Takashi Nozawa | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Brittle Fracture Assessment for Tungsten and Tungsten alloy components | M. Jetter, J. Aktaa | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Defect evolution of neutron irradiated ITER grade tungsten after annealing | D. Papadakis, K. Mergia, E. Manios, V. Chatzikos, S. Dellis, G. Bonny, D. Terentyev, W. Van Renterghem, C.C Chang, S. Messoloras | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Determining the true stress and true strain curves of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel using miniature tensile specimens | Takashi Nozawa, Taichiro Kato, Xiaoyong Ruan, Toshiya Nakata, Shigekazu Suzuki, Xiang Chen, Arunodata Bhattacharya, Mitsuru Ohata, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Yutai Katoh | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Development & validation of ductility exhaustion criterion for DEMO in-vessel components | P. Cooper, Y.Wang, A.Marsh | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Effects of incascade defect clustering and defect cluster migration on microstructural evolution in F82H steel under irradiation: Mean field cluster dynamics simulation | Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kazunori Morishita, Chen Yuting, Zhe Liangfan, Takashi Nozawa | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Evaluation of tensile ductility using shape change of gauge section of small-tensile specimen | Toshiya Nakata, Taichiro Kato, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | The applicability of remote field eddy current testing to outer flaws on cooling tubes in the blanket of a fusion DEMO reactor | Mizuki Kako, Takuma Tomizawa, Jiuhao Ge, Xiaoyong Ruan, Takashi Nozawa, Noritaka Yusa | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Thermal stability of differently rolled pure tungsten plates in the temperature range from 1125 °C to 1250 °C | Wolfgang Pantleon, T.Larsen, K.Chmelar, P.Nagy, B.L.Larsen, K.Wang | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Specimen size effects on creep properties of reduced-activation ferritic steel F82H | Takuya Nagasaka, Jingjie Shen, Masami Ando, Taichiro Kato, Takashi Nozawa, Hiroyasu Tanigawa | Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE 2022) |
2022 | EU | Multi-scale numerical investigation to predict the irradiation-induced change in engineering properties of fusion reactor materials | Mohamed, S , Rhydian Lewis, LLion M. Evans | ECCOMAS Congress 2022 |
2022 | EU | Comparison of K-doped and pure cold-rolled tungsten sheets: Microstructure restoration in different temperature regimes | P Lied, W.Pantleon, C.Bonnekoh, M.Dürrschnabel, W.Knabl, C.Bienert, A.Hoffmann, J.Reiser, M.Rieth | 20th Plansee Seminar |
2022 | EU | A Machine Learned Spin-Lattice Interatomic Potential for Defected Magnetic Iron | JBJ, Chapman, P.W.Ma | 15th conference of COmputer Simulation of IRradiation Effects in Solids (COSIRES2022) |
2022 | EU | Theory and finite element simulations of stress, strain and deformation produced by irradiation | L Reali, M Boleininger, Mark Gilbert, Sergei Dudarev | 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference |
2022 | EU | Anomalous Precipitation of Cr in Fe-rich Ferritic Steels under Irradiation in Presence of C and N Impurities: First Principles Modeling and Experimental Observations | M. Fedorov, J. Wróbel, A. London, K. Kurzydłowski, S. Dudarev, D. Nguyen-Manh | TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition |
2022 | EU | Macroscopic stress and strain produced by irradiation | L. Reali, M. Boleininger, M. Gilbert, S. Dudarev | TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition |
2021 | JA | Probe design for the eddy current inspection of cooling tubes in the blanket of a prototype fusion reactor | M. Kako, T. Tomizawa, J. Ge, T. Nozawa, N. Yusa | 30th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research |
2021 | EU | A round robin study of specimen size and geometry effects on the fracture toughness measurements of RAFM steels | X. Chen, R. Hernandez, M. Serrano, D. Andres, H. Nolles, P. Earp, M. Gorley, M. Jong, M.A. Sokolov, S. Gonzalez de Vicente, Y. Katoh | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Brittle Fracture Assessment for Tungsten and Tungsten alloy components | M Jetter, J.Aktaa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Characterization of micro-scale strength and deformation in ion-irradiated RAFM steel F82H using micro-pillar compression test | D. Geng, H. Yu, Y. Okuno, H. Kurotaki, T. Nozawa, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, S. Kondo, R. Kasada | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Correlation of helium cavity accumulation in RAFM steel between different irradiation fields: Reaction rate theory based analysis | Y. Watanabe, K. Morishita, M. Ando, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Determination of fatigue crack growth properties by testing small CT specimens | M. Serrano, R. Hernandez, M. Sokolov, X. Chen, M. Walter, J. Aktaa, D. Andres, H. Nolles, P. Earp, M. Gorley, M. Jong | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Development of copper deposition on tungsten with multiple laser beams focusing system | H. Serizawa, Y. Sato, M. Tsukamoto, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Development of non-destructive testing (NDT) technique for HIPed interface by Compton scattering X-ray spectroscopy | H. Sakurai, K. Suzuki, S. Ishii, T. Nozawa, H. Ozaki, H. Haga, H. Tanigawa, Y. Someya, M. Tsuchiya, H. Takeuchi, N. Tsuji | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Effect of Carbon on Quantitative Evaluation of Hydrogen Atoms Trapped at Vacancy-type Defects Using Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy in Tungsten | K. Sato, M. Hirabaru, M. Onoue, M. Hatakeyama, Q. Xu, Y. Watanabe, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Effect of elastic strain on the stability of vacancy-carbon-hydrogen complexes in α-iron | M. Hirayama, K. Sato, D. Kato, Y. Watanabe, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Effect of neutron irradiation on tungsten-copper laminate and tungsten foils | A Zinovev, D.Terentyev, C.-C.Chang, C.Yin, M.Rieth, P.Lied, J.Reiser, C.Bonnekoh | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Effects of specimen size and geometry in the study of the tensile properties of RAFM steels | A. Perez, R. Hernandez, M. Serrano, D. Andres | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Evaluation of fracture strength of multi-ion irradiated F82H by using μ-tensile testing | M. Ando, T. Nozawa, R. Kasada | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | FRACTESUS project: A European effort to validate the use of sub-sized specimens in fracture mechanics testing of irradiated materials | S. Cicero, B. Arroyo, D. Andres, P. Kilgallon, M. Serrano, R. Hernandez | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Fracture toughness of neutron irradiated tungsten | E. Gaganidze, A. Chauhan, H.-C. Schneider, D. Terentyev, B. Rossaert, J. Aktaa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Interaction of Primary Precipitates in F82H steel with hydrogen atoms: Atomistic Calculation Based on the Density Functional Theory | H. Iwakiri, Y. Watanabe, S. Toyozato, K. Sato, D. Kato | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Mechanical Properties of Self-Ion Irradiated Pure Tungsten using Mirco Tensile Test | J. Yu, H. Kurotaki, M. Ando, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Multi-scale modelling for voids decorated by transmutation solutes: Short-range order effects and application to neutron irradiated tungsten | DM Nguyen, J. Wrobel, M. Klimenkov, M. Lloyd, L. Messina, S. Dudarev | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Neutron irradiation effects on the mechanical properties of single crystal tungsten investigated by indentation techniques | S Dellis, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Post neutron irradiation annealing and defect evolution in single crystalline tungsten | D Papadakis, K. Mergia, S. Dellis, E. Manios, D. Terentyev, G. Bonny, A. Dubinko, W. Van Renterghem, M. Konstantinovic and S. Messoloras | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Quantification of the change in the nonlinear ultrasonic signals caused by irradiation-induced defect in BCC -Fe by molecular dynamics simulations | N. Matsuda, S. Mori, T. Okita, Y. Watanabe | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU/JA | Recent progress and issues in development of tensile test guideline using miniature specimens for qualification of fusion DEMO structural materials database within the IAEA CRP on Towards the Standardization of Small Specimen Test Techniques for Fusion Applications | T Nozawa, Y. Shen, M. Serrano, D. Andres, M. Sokolov, T. Nagasaka, T. Kato, X. Ruan, R. Chen, H. Liu, R. Hernandez, A. Harte, R. Spencer, A. Marsh, H. Nolles, P. Earp, M. Gorley, M. Jong, X. Chen, J. Shen, H. Tanigawa, S.M. Gonzalez de Vicente | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Recovery, recrystallization and abnormal grain growth in pure and K-doped tungsten sheets with different degree of deformation | P Lied, Wolfgang Pantleon, Carsten Bonnekoh, Michael Dürrschnabel, Andreas Hoffmann, Jens Reiser, Michael Rieth | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Relaxation volume of irradiation-induced defects in pure iron: Molecular-statics calculation with linear elasticity theory | X. Ruan, Y. Watanabe, K. Morishita, M. Ando, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Research activity to realize sound joints of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H toward construction of ITER-TBM and DEMO | H. Mori, H. Srizawa, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | The impacts of irradiation damage and loading conditions to lifetimes of DEMO in-vessel components made with Ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, X. Ruan, Y. Watanabe, M. Ando, T. Nozawa, Y. Katoh | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Thermal stability of thin rolled potassium-doped tungsten sheets during annealing at temperatures up to 1400 °C | W Pantleon, D. Tarras Madsen, U.M. Ciucani, A. Hoffmann | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU/JA | Virtual Tokamak Fusion Reactor: radiation effects on a macroscopic scale | S Dudarev, R. Akers, K. Arakawa, C.S. Becquart, M. Boleininger, M.J. Caturla, P.M. Derlet, C. Domain, M.R. Gilbert, F. Granberg , F. Hofmann, M. Klimenkov , W. Ma, J. Marian, D.R. Mason, K. Nordlund, G. Pintsuk, L. Reali , M. Rieth, H. Tanigawa , E. Tarleton | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU/JA | From ab initio models to a Virtual Tokamak Fusion Reactor: current status and ongoing challenges | S Dudarev, M. Boleininger, M.J. Caturla, P.M. Derlet, C. Domain, M.R. Gilbert, F. Hofmann, P.-W. Ma, J. Marian, D.R. Mason, P. Olsson, H. Tanigawa, E. Tarleton, G. Pintsuk, G. Po, L. Reali, and M. Rieth | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Evaluation of Multiaxial Fatigue Strength for High Chromium Steel under Non-proportional Loading at High Cycle Fatigue Region | T. Kojima, S. Maeda, N Hiyoshi, L. He, T. Nozawa, T. Itoh | 2021 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI2021) |
2021 | EU | Macroscopic elastic stress and strain produced by irradiation | L Reali, M. Boleininger, M. Gilbert, S. Dudarev | Joint ICTP-IAEA Virtual Workshop on Atomistic Modelling of Radiation Damage in Nuclear Systems |
2021 | EU | Fracture toughness determination of EUROFER97 by testing small CT specimens | DA Andres, Marta Serrano, Rebeca Hernandez, Yiqiang Wang, Mark Richardson | 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Virtual Conference |
2021 | EU | Irradiation behaviour of European advanced rafm steels for blanket application | E. Gaganidze, M. Rieth, D. Terentyev, C. Cristalli, J. Henry, G. Pintsuk, G. Aiello | European Fusion Physics Workshop |
2021 | EU | Progress of Research in Modelling Fusion Reactor Materials in Europe | S Dudarev, G. Apostolopoulos, J.P. Balbuena, M.-F. Barthe, C.S. Becquart, M. Boleininger, G. Bonny, C. Cabet, D. Caillard, N. Castin, M.J. Caturla, R. Coppola, P.M. Derlet, E. Diegele, C. Domain, S.L. Dudarev*, L.M. Dupuy, P. Fernandez, C.-C. Fu, T. Jourdan, E. Gaganidze, A. Gentils, M.R. Gilbert, F. Granberg, F. Hofmann, R. Kembleton, M. Klimenkov, M.Y. Lavrentiev, A. London, P.-W. Ma, M.-C. Marinica, D.R. Mason, K. Mergia, E. Meslin, M. Nastar, D. Nguyen-Manh, K. Nordlund, P. Olsson, C.J. Ortiz, G. Pintsuk, M. Prester, L. Proville, B. Radiguet, M. Rieth, C. Robertson, M. Roldan, A.E. Sand, R. Schäublin, F. Soisson, T.D. Swinburne, T. Tadić, L. Ventelon, F. Willaime, J.S. Wróbel | 18th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-18) |
2021 | JA | Status and the challenge of Japanese materials property handbook to facilitate structural design criteria for DEMO in-vessel coponents | T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, T. Kojima, T. Itoh, N. Hiyoshi, M. Ohata, T. Kato, M. Ando, M. Nakajima, T. Hirose, J. D. Reed, X. Chen, J. W. Geringer, Y. Katoh | 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020) |
2020 | EU | Advances in additive manufacturing of fusion materials | H. Neuberger, Francisco A. Hernández, Michael Rieth, Simon Bonk, Ludek Stratil, Oliver Müller, Kai-Uwe Volker | 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) |
2020 | EU/JA | DEMO Structural Materials Qualification and Development | M. Gorley, G. Aiello, J. Henry, T. Nozawa, G. Pintsuk, M. Rieth, H. Tanigawa | 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) |
T3 (Functional Materials)
Year | IA | Title | Author | Conference |
2023 | JA | Effect of Sintering Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Beryllium Intermetallic Compounds Fabricated by Plasma Sintering | Taehyun Hwang, Jae-Hwan Kim, Sugimoto Yutaka, Akatsu Yoshiaki, Suguru Nakano, Shota Yokohama, Masaru Nakamichi | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Effect of solid tritium breeder pebbles on hydrogen isotope permeation behavior of reduced activation ferritic steel and ceramic coating | Wataru Matsuura, Akiyoshi Suzuki, Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Masaru Nakamichi, Takumi Chikada | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Electronic descriptors for vacancy formation and hydrogen solution in Be intermetallics neutron multiplier | Keisuke Mukai, Ryuta Kasada, Jae-Hwan Kim, Masaru Nakamichi | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Investigation of helium swelling property for neutron multipliers after irradiation with He ions at high temperature. | Yutaka Sugimoto, Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Shota Yokohama, Msaru Nakamichi | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Present Status of Advanced Breeding Functional Materials for JA DEMO activities | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Shota Yokohama, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Reaction kinetics studies on in the leaching process of beryl in basic aqueous solutions | Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Ryuta Kasada, Masaru Nakamichi | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Thermal long-term stability of EU reference Advanced Ceramic Breeder pebbles enriched in Li-6 | J Leys O.Leys, R.Knitter | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Present Status of Advanced Neutron Multipliers for JA DEMO activities | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Suguru Nakano, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Shota Yokohama, Masaru Nakamichi | 16th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS-16) |
2023 | JA | Reaction kinetics in the leaching process of beryllium from beryl | Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Ryuta Kasada, Masaru Nakamichi | 16th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS-16) |
2023 | JA | Study of Mechanical Properties of Beryllium Intermetallic Compounds Fabricated by Plasma Sintering | Taehyun HWANG, Jae-Hwan KIM, Yutaka SUGIMOTO, Ramil GAISIN, Rolf ROLLI, Pavel VLADIMIROV, Yoshiaki AKATSU, Shota YOKOHAMA, Suguru NAKANO, Masaru NAKAMICHI |
16th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS-16) |
2023 | JA | The swelling property of Neutron multipliers after irradiation with He ions under high temperature | Yutaka Sugimoto, Mitsutaka Miyamoto Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Masaru Nakamichi | 16th International Workshop on Beryllium Technology (BeWS-16) |
2023 | EU | ACB Pebble Production: Increasing the Capacity of the KALOS Process in Time for ITER | O Leys J. Leys, R. Knitter | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | EU | How to define a specification for ceramic breeder pebbles? | R. Knitter M. Zmitko | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | EU | In-situ neutron irradiation experiment for EU reference ceramic breeder material | J Leys A.Shaimerdenov, Sh.Gizatulin, T.Kulsartov, Y.Chikhray, I.Kenzhina, M.Ionescu-Bujor, R.Knitter | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | EU | Influence of sequential irradiation and thermal treatment on formation and accumulation of radiation-induced defect centres with paramagnetic properties in advanced ceramic breeder pebbles | A. Zarins, A. Antuzevics, J. Cirulis, A. Ansone, L. Avotina, M. Halitovs, A. Trimdale-Deksne, M. Rzepna, J.M. Leys, R. Knitter | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | EU | Influence of various radiation types on radiation-induced processes in lithium orthosilicate-based ceramic breeder materials | A. Zarins A. Ansone, M. Senko, J. Cipa, A. Antuzevics, L. Avotina, L. Baumane, G. Kizane, M. Gonzalez, J.M. Leys, R. Knitter | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | EU | Long-term annealing performance of Li-6 enriched biphasic Li4SiO4/Li2TiO3 pebbles | J Leys C.Odemer, O.Leys, R.Knitter | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | EU | The HCCP Test Blanket Module: Current Status in Development and Qualification of Ceramic Breeder Material and an Overview of Open Issues | R Knitter M. Zmitko, A.G. Spagnuolo | 21st International Workshop on ceramic breeder blanket interactions (CBBI-21) |
2023 | JA | Deuterium retention properties of advanced neutron multipliers | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Shota Yokohama, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi, Mitsutaka Miyamoto | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | JA | Development of Advanced Ternary Beryllium Intermetallic Compounds | Taehyun Hwang, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yutaka Sugimoto, Akatsu Yoshiaki, Suguru Nakano, Shota Yokohama, Masaru Nakamichi | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Meeting the Tritium Breeding Demands for ITER: Upgrade of the KALOS Facility | O Leys, J.Leys, R.Knitter | 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE2023) |
2023 | JA | Current R&D Activities on the advanced breeding functional materials for fusion applications | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | 12th International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC2023) |
2023 | JA | Current R&D Statues on Mechanical properties of plasma sintered beryllium-titanium intermetallic compounds | Taehyun Hwang, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yutaka Sugimoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu,Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | 12th International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC2023) |
2023 | EU | Overview of the design and R&D activities of the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed breeding blanket in Europe | G Zhou, Ali Abou-Sena, Jarir Aktaa, Frederik Arbeiter, Antonio Froio, Ramil Gaisin, Christophe Garnier, Bradut-Eugen Ghidersa, María González, Francisco A. Hernández, Teresa Hernández, Mathias Jetter, Marc Kamlah, Béla Kiss, Gunta Kizane, Christine Klein, Regina Knitter, Christina Koehly, Julia Leys, Oliver Leys, Luis Maqueda, Tomas Melichar, Carlos Moreno, Heiko Neuberger, Iole Palermo, Jin-Hun Park, Tiago Pomella Lobo, Anoop Retheesh, Joerg Rey, Laura Savoldi, Hans-Christian Schneider, Pavel Vladimirov, Mario Walter, Arturs Zarins | Seminar of Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences (ASIPP) |
2022 | JA | Compatibility of tritium breeders and neutron multipliers as a mixture-packing concept of pebble bed blanket for JA DEMO fusion reactor | Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Compression properties of beryllide pebbles at high temperatures | Yoshiaki Akatsu, Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Suguru Nakano, Yutaka Sugimoto, Masaru Nakamichi | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Effect of the inside pressure of helium bubbles on the morphology and mobility in beryllium | Yutaka Sugimoto, Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Kazutomo Hara, Mitsutaka Haruta, Hiroki Kurata, Mitsutaka Miyamoto, Masaru Nakamichi | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Hydrogen trapping in intermetallic beryllium alloys | P. Vladimirov, D. Bachurin, R. Gaisin, M. Dürrschnabel, C. Stihl | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Neutron irradiation programme for the EU reference ceramic tritium breeder material | J. Leys, O. Leys, M. Ionescu-Bujor, R. Knitter | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Tensile properties of titanium beryllium intermetallic compounds | Taehyun Hwang, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yutaka Sugimoto, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Suguru Nakano, Masaru Nakamichi | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | JA | Tritium Release Behavior from Neutron-Irradiated Li2TiO3 with 20wt% Li2ZrO3 Pebbles under Different Atmosphere | Akito Ipponsugi, Kazunari Katayama, Tsuyoshi Hoshino | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2021 | JA | Improvement of compatibility for advanced breeding functional materials | J. Kim, T. Hwang, S. Nakano, M. Nakamichi | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Study of mechanical properties of beryllium intermetallic compounds fabricated by plasma sintering | T. Hwang, J. Kim, S. Nakano, M. Nakamichi | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2020 | EU | Discrete Element Analysis to characterize the thermo-mechanical behaviour of fusion pebble beds | M. Moscardini, S. Pupeschi, Y. Gan, R. K. Annabattula, M. Kamlah | 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) |
2020 | JA | Improvement of compatibility in the breedering blanket by adavnced functional materials | Sugur Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Masaru Nakamichi | 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) |
T4 (Corrosion Database)
Year | IA | Title | Author | Conference |
2023 | JA | Deuterium permeation and retention in F82H after exposure to pressurized water | Takumi Chikada, Motoki Nakajima, Haozhi Zhang, Wei Mao, Markus Wilde, Teppei Otsuka, Masanori Hara, Takashi Nozawa | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | EU | Oxidation behaviour of Eurofer97 under DEMO high temperature aqueous environment | L Volpe, M. Leyland, J. Lim | 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21) |
2023 | JA | Status and issues of high-temperature and high-pressure water corrosion research of fusion structural materials | Motoki Nakajima, Yenjui Huang, Takashi Nozawa | 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2023) |
2023 | JA | Effects of magnetic field and water radiolysis on corrosion properties of RAFM, F82H | Motoki Nakajima, Yenjui Huang, Takashi Nozawa | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Experimental investigation of the corrosion behavior of Eurofer97 steel in contact with lithium orthosilicate pebbles under specific Helium Cooled Pebble Bed breeding zone atmosphere | R Krüßmann, W.Weber, Ph.Heger, B-E.Ghidersa, M.Walter, G.Zhou, G.Schlindwein, F.Arbeiter, F.Hernández Gonzalez | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Parametric assessment of the Activated Corrosion Products on the ITER Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket System | A. Previti, A. Colangeli, F. Dacquait, S. D’Amico, F. Fantini, D. Flammini, N. Fonnesu, G. Mariano, F. Moro, S. Noce, N. Terranova, R. Villari, P. Wouters | 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15) |
2023 | EU | Comparison between LiOH and KOH as pH moderator for aqueous coolant environments relevant for fusion applications | L Volpe, M. Leyland, T. Whitfield, M. R. Gilbert, J. Lim | ICG-EAC - International Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials |
2023 | EU | Microstructure of EUROFER97 coated with an Al2O3 layer | Utel Jäntsch, M. Dürrschnabel, K.Klimenkov, M. Rieth, M. Angiolini | Microscopy Conference 2023 |
2022 | JA | Corrosion and stress corrosion behavior of CuCrZr alloy in high temperature pure water environment relevant to Japan’s DEMO divertor | Yen-Jui Huang, Motoki Nakajima, Naofumi Nakazato, Hrinori Kurotaki, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Takashi Nozawa | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Modelling the Transport of Activated Corrosion Products in the WCLL-TBS PbLi Loop with the GETTHEM System-Level Code | A. Froio, F. Lisanti, P. Arena, R. Bonifetto, A. Del Nevo, A. Froio, G. A. Spagnuolo, and R. Zanino | 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2022) |
2022 | EU | Aqueous Corrosion of WCLL Breeder Blanket Structural Material Eurofer-97 for Nuclear Fusion Reactors | D. Kumar, R Burrows, L Platts, A Siberry, A Gunn, M Zimina, C Harrington, R Springell, T Martin, A Del Nevo | Microscopy & Microanalysis 2022 |
2021 | EU | Characteristics of diffusion coatings produced from aluminium electroplated on steel substrate | C. Schroer, J. Lorenz | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Chemical compatibility of alumina coatings by PLD and ALD in static and flowing Pb-16Li for DEMO Breeding Blanket | S. Bassini, C. Ciantelli, A. Fiore, S. Cataldo, M. Ferri, A. Antonelli, A. Venturini, F. Papa, D. Martelli, M. Angiolini, B. Paladino, F. Di Fonzo, M. Utili | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Compatibility of tritium permeation barrier coatings in water cooled ceramic breeder blanket | T. Chikada, M. Nakajima, A. Suzuki, S. Nakano, J. Kim, T. Otsuka, M. Hara, T. Nozawa, T. Hoshino, M. Nakamichi | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Protocol for PbLi eutectic alloy analysis and its relevance in fusion applications | B Garcinuno, Rocío Fernández-Saavedra, Teresa Hernández, Alberto Quejido, David Rapisarda | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | EU | Recent studies to the impact of ceramic breeder environment on the mechanical properties of EUROFER97 under operating conditions | E Gaisina, M.Duerrschnabel, J.Leys, R.Knitter, J.Aktaa, M.Walter | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | The incipient corrosion behavior of CuCrZr alloy in hydrogenated high-temperature water relevant to divertor cooling environment | Y. Huang, M. Nakajima, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2021 | JA | Water Corrosion behavior of RAFM and Cu-alloy for Japanese DEMO component | M. Nakajima, Y. Huang, T. Nozawa | 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20) |
2020 | JA | Deuterium permeation through reduced activation ferritic steel F82H after exposure to high pressure water | T. Chikada, K. Kimura, M. Nakajima, K. Nakamura, K. Okitsu, T. Tanaka, Y. Hishinuma, T. Otsuka, M. Hara, Y. Sakamoto, Y. Someya, H. Nakamura, T. Nozawa, The Joint Special Design Team for DEMO | 3rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Tritium Science (APSOT-3) |
2020 | JA | Tritium Permeation Behaviors through F82H into Pure Water at 353 K | T. Otsuka, K. Hashizume, T. Nozawa, M. Nakajima | 3rd Asia Pacific Symposium on Tritium Science (APSOT-3) |
DEMO R&D activity based on the original procurement arrangements has been summarized in the final report of DEMO R&D activity in December 2017. Also, results of collaborative research on plasma-wall interactions in the JET-ILW experiment are summarized in the final report in December 2019. Herein, scientific and technological achievements related to BA DEMO R&D activity in 2012-2020 are presented. In total, 304 peer reviewed papers were published.
Year | PI | Title | Authors | DOI | Journal name |
2020 | JA | Compatibility of advanced tritium breeders and neutron multipliers | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2020 | EU&JA | Comparison of Hydrogen Isotope Retention in Divertor Tiles of JET with the ITER-Like Wall Following Campaigns in 2011–2012 and 2015–2016 | Y. Oya, S. Masuzaki, M. Tokitani, M. Nakata, F. Sun, M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, T. Otsuka, A. M. Widdowson, J. Likonen, M. Rubel & JET Contributors | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2020 | EU&JA | Determination of retained tritium from ILW dust particles in JET | N. Ashikawa Y. Torikai, N. Asakura, T. Otsuka, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel, M. Oyaidzu, M. Hara, S. Masuzaki, K. Isobe, Y. Hatano, K. Heinola, A. Baron-Wiechec, S. Jachmich, T. Hayashi and JET Contributors | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2020 | EU&JA | Surface morphology of the bulk tungsten divertor tiles from JET ITER-like wall: Microscopic analysis | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, S. Masuzaki, Y. Hatano, S.E. Lee, Y. Oya, T. Otsuka, M. Oyaidzu, H. Kurotaki, T. Suzuki, D. Hamaguchi, T. Hayashi, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, S. Jachmich, M. Rubel and JET Contoributors | | Physica Scripta |
2019 | JA | Effect of Hydrogen on Corrosion Properties of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel, F82H | M. Nakajima, T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2019 | JA | Characterization of modified Be13Zr beryllide pebbles as advanced neutron multipliers | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2019 | JA | Effect of grain size on the sinterability and reactivity of vanadium-beryllium intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2019 | JA | Fabrication and characterization of Be12V pebbles with different diameters | P. Kurinskiy, J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2019 | JA | Reactivity and thermal stability of ternary Be-Zr-V beryllides | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2019 | JA | Anomalous oxidation behavior in zirconium beryllium intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2019 | EU&JA | Tritium distributions on W-coated divertor tiles used in the third JET ITER-like wall campaign | Y. Hatano, S.E. Lee, J. Likonen, S. Koivuranta, M. Hara, S. Masuzaki, N. Asakura, K. Isobe, T. Hayashi, J. Ikonen, A. Widdowson and JET Contributors | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2018 | JA | Specimen Size Effects on Fracture Behaviour of SiC/SiC Tubes During Circumferential Tensile Test | J.-H. Yu, H. Kishimoto, N. Nakazato, J.S. Park and A. Kohyama | | Advanced Composite Materials |
2018 | EU&JA | Correlation of surface chemical states with hydrogen isotope retention in divertor tiles of JET with ITER-Like Wall | Y. Oya, S. Masuzaki, M. Tokitani, K. Azuma, M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, K. Heinola, S. Jachmich, M. Rubel and JET contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | EU&JA | Dust Generation in Tokamaks: Overview of Beryllium and Tungsten Dust Characterisation in JET with the ITER-Like Wall | M. Rubel, A. Widdowson, J. Grzonka, E. Fortuna-Zalesna, S. Moon, P. Petersson, N. Ashikawa, N. Asakura, D. Hamaguchi, Y. Hatano, K, Isobe, S. Masuzaki, H. Kurotaki, Y. Oya, M. Oyaizu, M. Tokitani and JET Contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | EU&JA | Plasma-Wall Interaction on the Divertor Tiles of JET ITER-Like Wall from the Viewpoint of Micro/Nanoscopic Observations | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, S. Masuzaki, R. Sakamoto, Y. Oya, Y. Hatano, T. Otsuka, M. Oyaidzu, H. Kurotaki, T. Suzuki, D. Hamaguchi, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, K. Heinola, M. Rubeland JET Contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | EU&JA | The effect of wall flow velocity on compatibility of high-purity SiC materials with liquid Pb-Li alloy by rotating disc testing for 3000 h up to 900 °C | C. Park, T. Nozawa, R. Kasada, S. Tosti, S. Konishi, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | EU&JA | Effect of heat treatment of titanium beryllide on tritium/hydrogen release | V. Chakin, R. Rolli, R. Gaisin, R. Kurinskiy, J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Effects of test environment on high temperature fatigue properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, F82H | T. Hirose, H. Sakasegawa, M. Nakajima, T. Kato, T Miyazawa, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Technical challenges on material and design criteria development for fusion in-vessel components | H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Characterization of vanadium beryllide pebble bed for the Japan DEMO blanket application | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim, P. Kurinskiy | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Fabrication and characterization of Be-Zr-Ti ternary beryllide pebbles | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Granulation of Be12V pebbles using the rotating electrode method | P. Kurinskiy, J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Evaluation of Li mass loss from Li2TiO3 with excess Li pebbles in water vapor atmosphere | K. Katayama, H. Sakagawa, T. Hoshino, S. Fukada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Li vaporization property of Li8ZrO6 and Li5AlO4 as tritium breeders | K. Shin-mura, S. Honda, T. Hoshino, K. Sasaki | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2018 | JA | Japanese activities of the R&D on silicon carbide composites in the broader approach period and beyond | T. Nozawa, K. Ozawa, C. Park, J.S. Park, A. Kohyama, A. Hasegawa, S. Nogami, T. Hinoki, S. Kondo, T. Yano, T. Shibayama, B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, T. Tanaka, H. Iwakiri, Y. Yamamoto, S. Konishi, R. Kasada, M. Kondo, T. Kunugi, T. Yokomine, Y. Ueki, N. Okubo, T. Taguchi, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2018 | JA | Hot crack susceptibility in multi-pass welds of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H | H. Mori, H. Tanimura, R. Kiyoku, M. Fujiwara, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2018 | JA | Investigation of instability of M23C6 particles in F82H steel under electron and ion irradiation conditions | S. Kano, HL Yang, JJ Shen, ZS Zhao, J. McGrady, D. Hamaguchi, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, H. Abe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2018 | JA | Fabrication and characterizations of crushed titanium-beryllium intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2018 | EU&JA | Tritium retention characteristic in dust particles in JET with ITER-like wall | T. Otsuka, S. Masuzaki, N. Ashikawa, Y. Hatano, Y. Asakura, Tatsuya Suzuki, Takumi Suzuki, K. Isobe, T. Hayashi, M. Tokitani, Y. Oya, D. Hamaguchi, H. Kurotaki, R. Sakamoto, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, M. Nakamichi, A. Widdowson, M. Rubel and JET Contributors | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2018 | JA | Mechanical properties of neutron irradiated F82H using micro-tensile testing | M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, H. Kurotaki, Y. Katoh | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2018 | JA | Micro-tensile testing of reduced-activation ferritic steel F82H irradiated with Fe and He ions | T. Miura, K. Fujii, K. Fukuya, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2018 | JA | Microstructure of fatigue-tested F82H steel under multi-axial loadings | K. Fukumoto, T Onitsuka, T Itoh, H Sakasegawa, H Tanigawa | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2018 | JA | Effect of plasma sintering on densification and oxygen content of beryllium powder | P. Kurinskiy, J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2018 | JA | Thermal properties of beryllides as advanced neutron multipliers for DEMO fusion application | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim, P. Kurinskiy, M. Nakamura | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2017 | EU | Radiation induced deuterium absorption dependence on irradiation temperature, dose rate and gas pressure for SiC. | E.R. Hodgson, A. Moroño and M. Malo, M. Verdu, F.J. Sanchez | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | EU&JA | Micro-/nano-characterization of the surface structures on the divertor tiles from JET ITER-Like Wall | M. Tokitani, M. Miyamoto, S. Masuzaki, Y. Fujii, R. Sakamoto, Y. Oya, Y. Hatano, T. Otsuka, M. Oyaidzu, H. Kurotaki, T. Suzuki, D. Hamaguchi, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, A.M. Widdowson, M. Rubel and JET Contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | EU&JA | Li4SiO4 based breeder ceramics with Li2TiO3, LiAlO2 and LiXLaYTiO3 additions, part I: Fabrication | M.H.H. Kolb, K. Mukai, R. Knitter, T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | EU&JA | Li4SiO4 based breeder ceramics with Li2TiO3, LiAlO2 and LiXLaYTiO3 additions, part II: Pebble properties | M.H.H. Kolb, K. Mukai, R. Knitter, T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Characterization of functional materials for liquid blanket systems by cathodoluminescence measurement | T. Tanaka, D. Kato, T. Nozawa, B. Tsuchiya, T. Muroga | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Deuterium permeation and retention behaviors in erbium oxide-iron multilayer coatings | S. Horikoshi, J. Mochizuki, C. Hu, Y. Oya, T. Chikada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Deuterium permeation behavior in iron-irradiated erbium oxide coating | T. Chikada, S. Horikoshi, J. Mochizuki, C. Hu, F. Koch, K. Yabuuchi, Y. Oya | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Deuterium permeation behavior of tritium permeation barrier coating containing carbide nanoparticles | J. Mochizuki, S. Horikoshi, C. Hu, Y. Oya, T. Chikada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Effect of irradiation hardening on brittle fracture performance of box-shaped blanket fabricated by F-82H | T. Miyazawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Ohata | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Tensile properties of F82H steel after aging at 400-650 °C for 1,000-30,000 h | T. Nagasaka, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, T. Tanaka, T. Muroga, A. Sagara | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Deuterium retention and desorption properties of ternary beryllide pebbles as advanced neutron multipliers | J.-H. Kim, M. Miyamoto, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Development of beryllide pebbles with low-hydrogen generation as advanced neutron multipliers | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Prevention of hydrogen generation reaction with water vapor by surface modification of beryllides as advanced neutron multipliers | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Thermal analyses of beryllide pebbles in water vapor atmosphere as advanced neutron multipliers | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Changes in mechanical property and microstructure of lithium metatitanate tritium breeder caused by thermal annealing | Y. Otani, K. Shin-mura, S. Ogawa, T. Hoshino, K. Sasaki | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Li mass loss from Li2TiO3 with excess Li pebbles fabricated by optimized sintering condition | R. Yamamoto, K. Katayama, T. Hoshino, T. Takeishi, S. Fukada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Li vaporization properties of candidate materials for tritium breeder with high Li density | K. Shin-mura, Y. Otani, S. Ogawa, T. Hoshino, K. Sasaki | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2017 | JA | Japanese Fusion Materials Development Path to DEMO | T. Muroga, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2017 | JA | Recent R&D Results on Fusion Nuclear Technology for ITER and DEMO Reactor in Japan | T. Yamanishi, N. Koizumi, M. Nakahira, Y. Nunoya, S. Siziki, H. Tobari, M. Kashiwagi, T. Isono, T. Inoue, M. Sugimoto, Y. Kusama, Y. Kawamura, H. Tanigawa, M. Nakamichi, T. Nozawa, T. Hoshino, Y. Ueda, Y. Hatano, T. Muroga, S. Fukada | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2017 | JA | Fatigue Properties of SiC/SiC Composites under Various Loading Modes | S. Nogami, T. Nozawa, D. Kawai, W. Guan, A. Hasegawa | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2017 | JA | Experiment on recovery of hydrogen isotopes from Li17Pb83 blanket by liquid-gas contact | M. Kinjo, S. Fukada, K. Katayama, Y. Edao, T. Hayashi | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2017 | JA | Using a Tritium Imaging Plate Technique to Measure the Hydrogen Solubility and Diffusivity of Zr-Doped BaInO2.5 | K. Hashizume, Y. Oki | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2017 | JA | Reactivity and deuterium retention properties of titanium-beryllium intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, M. Miyamoto, Y. Hujii, M. Nakamichi | | Intermetallics |
2017 | EU&JA | Cutting edge of R and D in solid tritium breeder materials. Toward the ‘Solid’ blankets | T. Hoshino, K. Mukai, M.H.H. Kolb, R. Knitter | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research (in Japanese) |
2017 | EU&JA | Analyses of microstructure, composition and retention of hydrogen isotopes in divertor tiles of JET with the ITER-like wall | S. Masuzaki, M. Tokitani, T. Otsuka, Y. Oya, Y. Hatano, M. Miyamoto, R. Sakamoto, N. Ashikawa, S. Sakurada, Y. Uemura, K. Azuma, K. Yumizuru, M. Oyaizu, T. Suzuki, H. Kurotaki, D. Hamaguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Isobe, N. Asakura, A. Widdowson, K. Heinola, S. Jachmich, M. Rubel and JET contributors | | Physica Scripta |
2017 | EU&JA | Tritium analysis of divertor tiles used in JET ITER-like wall campaigns by means of β-ray induced x-ray spectrometry | Y. Hatano, K. Yumizuru, S. Koivuranta, J. Likonen, M. Hara, M. Matsuyama, S. Masuzaki, M. Tokitani, N. Asakura, K. Isobe, T. Hayashi, A. Baron-Wiechec, A. Widdowson and JET contributors | | Physica Scripta |
2016 | JA | Creep-fatigue life evaluation of high chromium ferritic steel under non-proportional loading | T. Morishita, Y. Murakami, T. Itoh and H. Tanigawa | | Fracture and structural integrity |
2016 | EU | The reprocessing of advanced ceramic tritium breeder pebbles | O. Leys, T. Bergfeldt, M.H.H. Kolb, R. Knitter, A.A. Goraieb | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | EU&JA | Recent technical progress on BA Program: DEMO activities and IFMIF/EVEDA | T. Yamanishi, N.Asakura, K. Tobita, S. Ohira, G. Federici, R. Heidinger, J. Knaster, S. Clement, N. Nakajima, other BA IFERC and IFMIF/EVEDA contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | EU&JA | Mechanical behavior of Be-Ti pebbles at blanket relevant temperatures | R. Kurinskiy, R. Rolli, J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Circumferential Tensile Test Method for Mechanical Property Evaluation of SiC/SiC Tube | J.-H. Yu, H. Kishimoto, J.-S. Park, N. Nakazato, A. Kohyama | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Evaluation of thermal conductivity for liquid lead lithium alloys at various Li concentrations based on measurement and evaluation of density, thermal diffusivity and specific heat of alloys | M. Kondo, Y. Nakajima, M. Tsuji, T. Nozawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Re-evaluation of SiC permeation coefficients at high temperatures | Y. Yamamoto, Y. Murakami, H. Yamaguchi, T. Yamamoto, D. Yonetsu, K. Noborio, S. Konishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Hydrogen Permeation through Flinabe Fluoride Molten Salts for Blanket Candidates | R. Nishiumi, S. Fukada, and A. Nakamura | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Release behavior of tritium in pure copper and its alloys into pure water at ambient temperature | T. Otsuka, Y. Ogawa, H. Horinouchi, K. Hashizume | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Destructive and non-destructive evaluation methods of interface on F82H HIPed joints | H. Kishimoto, Y. Muramatsu, Y. Asakura, T. Endo, A. Kohyama | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Evaluation of Impacts of Stress Triaxiality on Plastic Deformability of RAFM steel using various types of tensile specimen | T. Kato, M. Ohata, S. Nogami, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Mechanical Properties of F82H Plates with Different Thicknesses | H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Beryllide pebble fabrication of Be-Zr compositions as advanced neutron multipliers | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim, K. Ochiai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Synthesis and characteristics of ternary Be-Ti-V beryllide pebbles as advanced neutron multiplier | J.-H. Kim, M.Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Synthesis and reactivity of single-phase Be17Ti2 intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, H. Iwakiri, T. Furugen, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | A New Blanket Tritium Recovery Experiment with Intense DT Neutron Source at JAEA/FNS | K. Ochiai, Y. Edao, T. Hoshino, Y. Kawamura, M. Ohtaa, S. Kwon, C. Konno | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Evaluation of tritium release behavior from Li2TiO3 during DT neutron irradiation by use of an improved tritium collection method | Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura, T. Hoshino, K. Ochiai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Pebble Fabrication and Tritium Release Properties of Advanced Tritium Breeder | T. Hoshino, Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura, K. Ochiai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Progress of R&D on Water Cooled Ceramic Breeder for ITER test blanket system and DEMO | Y. Kawamura, H. Tanigawa, T. Hirose, M. Enoeda, S. Sato, K. Ochiai, C. Konno, Y. Edao, T. Hayashi, T. Hoshino, M. Nakamichi, H. Tanigawa, H. Nishi, S. Suzuki, K. Ezato, Y. Seki, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | Synthesis of high-purity Li8ZrO6 powder by solid state reaction under hydrogen atmosphere | K. Sin-mura, Y. Otani, S. Ogawa, E. Niwa, T. Hashimoto, T. Hoshino, K. Sasaki | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2016 | JA | A new tritiated water measurement method with plastic scintillator | E. Furuta, N. Iwasaki, Y. Kato and Y. Tomozoe | | Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies |
2016 | JA | No-waste-measurement method with a LSC:effects of surface treatment for plastic scintillator | E. Furuta, N. Iwasaki, R. Ohyama, S. Yokota, I. Mori, Y. Kato, K. Ogiwara | | Japaese Journal of Health Physics |
2016 | JA | Hydrogen isotope dissolution, diffusion, and permeation in Er2O3 | W. Mao, T. Chikada, A. Suzuki, T. Terai, H. Matsuzaki | | Journal of Power Sources |
2016 | JA | Experimental assessment of temperature distribution in heat affected zone (HAZ) in dissimilar joint between 8Cr-2W steel and SUS316L fabricated by 4 kW fiber laser welding | S. Kano, A. Oba, H. Yang, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh, H.i Serizawa, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, H.i Abe | | Mechanical Engineering Letters |
2016 | EU | Plasma etching to enhance the surface insulating stability of alumina for fusion applications | M. Malo, A. Moroño and E.R. Hodgson | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | EU | Trapping and thermal diffusion for energetic deuterium implanted into SiC | F.J. Sánchez, A. Moroño, M. Malo and E.R. Hodgson | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Comparison of Passivation behavior of SS316L with That of SS304 Stainless Steel in Tritiated Water Solution | M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe, T. Hayashi | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Crystallization and deuterium permeation behaviors of yttrium oxide coating prepared by metal organic decomposition | T. Chikada, T. Tanaka, K. Yuyama, Y. Uemura, S. Sakurada, H. Fujita, X.C. Li, K. Isobe, T.i Hayashi, Y. Oya | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Deuterium retention in W and W-Re alloy irradiated with high energy Fe and W Ions: Effects of irradiation temperature | Y. Hatano, K. Ami, V. Kh. Alimov, S. Kondo, T. Hinoki, T. Toyama, M. Fukuda, A. Hasegawa, K. Sugiyama, Y. Oya, M. Oyaidzu, T. Hayashi | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Surface modification and sputtering erosion of reduced activation ferritic martensitic steel F82H exposed to low-energy, high flux deuterium plasma | V.Kh. Alimov, Y. Hatano, N. Yoshida, H. Watanabe, M. Oyaidzu, M. Tokitani, T. Hayashi | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Microstructure and mechanical property in heat affected zone (HAZ) in F82H joined with SUS316L by fiber laser welding | S. Kano, A. Oba, H.L. Yang, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh, H. Serizawa, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, H. Abe | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Precipitation of carbides in F82H steels and its impact on mechanical strength | S. Kano, H.L. Yang, R. Suzue, Y. Matsukawa, Y. Satoh, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, H. Abe | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Fabrication and characterization of advanced neutron multipliers for DEMO blanket | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim, M. Miyamoto | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Hydrogen retention behavior of beryllides as advanced neutron multipliers | Y. Fujii, M. Miyamoto, J.-H.Kim, M.Nakamichi, N. Murayoshi, H.Iwakiri | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Pebble fabrication of super advanced tritium breeders using a solid solution of Li2+xTiO3+y with Li2ZrO3 | T. Hoshino | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | JA | Pebble structure change of Li2TiO3 with excess Li in water vapor atmosphere at elevated temperatures | K. Katayama, M. Shimozori, T. Hoshino, R. Yamamoto, H. Ushida, S. Fukada | | Nuclear Materials and Energy |
2016 | EU&JA | Tritium distributions on tungsten and carbon tiles used in the JET divertor | Y. Hatano, K. Yumizuru, J. Likonen, S. Koivuranta, J. Ikonen and JET Contributors | | Physica Scripta |
2016 | JA | Experimental study on chemical behaviors of non-metal impurities in Pb, Pb-Bi and Pb-Li by temperature programmed desorption mass spectrometer analysis | M. Kondo, Y. Nakajima, T. Tanaka, T. Nozawa, T. Yokomine | | Plasma and Fusion Research |
2015 | JA | A Plastic scintillation counter prototype | E. Furuta, T. Kawano | | Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
2015 | EU | Displacement damage effect on the radiation induced deuterium absorption for different types of SiC | A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson and M. Malo | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | EU | Oxidation recovery of radiation induced surface damage in aluminas: luminescence qualification | M. Malo, A. Moroño and E.R. Hodgson | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | EU | Hot extrusion of Be-Ti powder | P. Kurinskiy, H. Leiste, A.A. Goraieb, S. Mueller | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | EU | Activation calculations for multiple recycling of breeder ceramics by melt processing | K. Mukai, P. Pereslavtsev, U. Fischer, R. Knitter | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Study on fabrication method of lithium alloys with metal grains | Y. Nakajima, M. Kondo, T. Nozawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | R&D activities of tritium technologies on Broader Approach in Phase 2-2 | K. Isobe, Y. Kawamura, Y. Iwai, M. Oyaidzu, H. Nakamura, T. Suzuki, M. Yamada, Y. Edao, R. Kurata, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Material properties of the F82H melted in an electric arc furnace | H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, S. Kano, and H. Abe | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Mechanical properties of TIG and EB weld joints of F82H | T. Hirose, H. Sakasegawa, M. Nakajima, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Tensile properties of F82H steel after aging at 400-650°C for 100,000 h | T. Nagasaka, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando, T. Tanaka, T. Muroga, A. Sagara | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Effect of titanium content on mechanical properties and reactivity of titanium beryllide pebbles | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Fabrication and hydrogen generation reaction with water vapor of prototypic pebbles of binary beryllides as advanced neutron multiplier | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Reactivity of plasma-sintered beryllium in dry air and moisture at high temperature | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Experimental Investigation on Tritium Release from Lithium Titanate Pebble under High Temperature of 1073K | K. Ochiai, Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura, T. Hoshino, M. Ohta, S. Sato, C. Konno | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Li Vaporization Property of Two-Phase Material of Li2TiO3 and Li2SiO3 for Tritium Breeder | S. Ogawa, Y. Masuko, H. Kato, H. Yuyama, Y. Sakai, E. Niwa, T. Hashimoto, K. Mukai, T. Hoshino, K. Sasaki | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Optimization of sintering conditions of advanced tritium breeder pebbles fabricated by the emulsion method | T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Water vapor concentration dependence and temperature dependence of Li mass loss from Li2TiO3 with excess Li and Li4SiO4 | M. Shimozori, K. Katayama, T. Hoshino, H. Ushida, R. Yamamoto, S. Fukada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2015 | JA | Correlation of rates of tritium migration through porous concrete | S. Fukada, K. Katayama, T. Takeishi, Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Effect of tritium on corrosion behavior of chromium in 0.01N sulfuric acid solution | M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe, T. Hayashi | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Measurement of tritium with plastic scintillator: surface improvement with plasma treatment | Y. Yoshihara, E. Furuta, R. Ohyama, S. Yokota, Y. Kato, T. Yoshimura, K. Ogiwara | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Recent progress of tritium technology R&D for fusion reactor in JAEA | T. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, Y. Kawamura, Y. Iwai, K. Isobe, M. Yamada, T. Suzuki, R. Kurata, M. Oyaidzu, Y. Edao, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Study on hydrogen isotopes permeation in the fluidized state of liquid lithium-lead | S. Yoshimura, R. Yoshimura, M. Okada, S. Fukada, Y. Edao | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Tritium retention in reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels | Y. Hatano, V.Kh. Alimov, A.V. Spitsyn, N.P. Bobyr, D.I. Cherkez, S. Abe, O.V. Ogorodnikova, N.S. Klimov, B.I. Khripunov, A.V. Golubeva, V.M. Chernov, M. Oyaidzu, T. Yamanishi, M. Matsuyama | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Evaluation of Tritium Release Properties of Advanced Tritium Breeders | T. Hoshino, K. Ochiai, Y. Edao, Y. Kawamura | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | Comparative study of sinterability and thermal stability in plasma-sintered niovium and vanadium beryllides | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2015 | JA | Synthesis of Be-Ti-V ternary beryllium intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2015 | EU | Solution based synthesis of mixed-phase materials in the Li2TiO3 -Li4SiO4 system | D. Hanaor, M. Kolb, Y. Gan, M. Kamlah, R. Knitter | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2015 | EU&JA | 2D tritium distribution on tungsten tiles used in JET ITER-like wall project | Y. Hatano, A. Widdowson, N. Bekris, C. Ayres, A. Baron-Wieche, J. Likonen, S. Koivuranta, J. Ikonen and JET EFDA contributors | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2015 | EU&JA | Surface morphology changes and deuterium retention in Toughened, Fine-grained Recrystallized Tungsten under high-flux irradiation conditions | M. Oya, H.T. Lee, Y. Ueda, H. Kurishita, M. Oyaidzu, T. Hayashi, N. Yoshida, T.W. Morgan, G. De Temmerman | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2015 | JA | Retention behaviors of tritium loaded near the surface region of metals by gas absorption and plasma implantation | T. Otsuka, Y. Ogawa, M. Higaki, Y. Ishitani | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2015 | JA | Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation on influence of vacancy on hydrogen diffusivity in tungsten | T. Oda, D. Zhu, Y. Watanabe | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2015 | JA | Deuterium permeation behavior for damaged tungsten by ion implantation | Y. Oya, M. Sato, K. Yuyama, M. Oyaidzu, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi, K. Okuno | | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology |
2015 | JA | The effect of point defects on diffusion pathway within α-Fe | S. Sakuraya, K. Takahashi, N. Hashimoto, S. Ohnuki | | Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter |
2015 | JA | Influence of He implantation on deuterium trapping at defects induced in W by irradiation with MeV-range W ions | V.Kh. Alimov, Y. Hatano, K. Sugiyama, B. Tyburska-Pueschel, M. Oya, Y. Ueda, K. Isobe, A. Hasegawa | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES |
2015 | JA | Recovery of Hydrogen Isotopes by Liquid-Gas Contactor from Li17Pb83 Blanket | S. Fukada, T. Muneoka, R. Yoshimura, K. Katayama, Y. Edao and T. Hayashi | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES |
2015 | EU | Characterisation of Be-Ti rod fabricated by extrusion at 900C | P. Kurinskiy, A. Moslang, H. Leiste, A.A. Goraieb, R. Rolli, S. Mueller | | KIT Scientific Reports |
2015 | JA | Super-saturated hydrogen effects on radiation damages in tungsten under high-flux divertor plasma irradiation | D. Kato, H. Iwakiri, Y. Watanabe, K. Morishita, T. Muroga | | Nuclear Fusion |
2015 | JA | Helium effects on microstructural change in RAFM steel under irradiation: Reaction rate theory modeling | Y. Watanabe, K. Morishita, T. Nakasuji, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa | | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms |
2015 | JA | Hydrogen Behavior in Primary Precipitate of F82H Steel: Atomistic Calculation Based on the Density Functional Theory | Y. Watanabe, H. Iwakiri, N. Murayoshi, D. Kato, H. Tanigawa | | Plasma and Fusion Research |
2015 | JA | Influence of Surface Roughness on Tensile Strength of Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels Using Small Specimens | S. Suzuki, S. Sato, M. Suzuki, H. Kinoshita, S. Sato, S. Jitsukawa, and H. Tanigawa | | Small Specimen Test Techniques |
2014 | JA | Measurement of tritium with high efficiency by using liquid scintillation counter with plastic scintillator | E. Furuta, R. Ohyama, S. Yokota, T. Nakajyo, Y. Yamada, T. Kawano, T. Uda, Y. Watanabe | | Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
2014 | EU | High-Speed Camera-based Analysis of the Lithium Ceramic Pebble Fabrication Process | P. Waibel, J. Matthes, O. Leys, M. Kolb, H.B. Keller, R. Knitter | | Chemical Engineering & Technology |
2014 | EU | In situ luminescence qualification of radiation damage in aluminas: F-aggregation and Al colloids | M. Malo, A. Moroño and E.R. Hodgson. | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | EU | Radiation induced deuterium absorption for RB-SiC, HP-SiC, silicon and graphite loaded during electron irradiation | T. Hernández, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson, M. Malo, M. Verdú and F.J. Sánchez. | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | EU | Characteristics of microstructure and tritium release properties of different kinds of beryllium pebbles for application in tritium breeding modules | P. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, P. Vladimirov, R. Rolli, M. Zmitko | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | EU | Influence of chemisorption products of carbon dioxide and water vapour on radiolysis of tritium breeder | A. Zarins, G. Kizane, A. Supe, M. Kolb, R. Knitter, J. Tiliks Jr., L. Baumane | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Blanket material and technology developments toward DEMO under the Broader Approach framework | T. Nishitani, T. Yamanishi, H. Tanigawa, M. Nakamichi, T. Nozawa, T. Hoshino, K. Ochiai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Evaluating the hydrogen isotope absorption/diffusion coefficient of CVD-SiC at high temperature | Y. Yamamoto, T. Karasawa, Y. Murakami, S. Takemoto, D. Yonetsu, K. Noborio, S. Konishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Stress envelope of silicon carbide composites at elevated temperatures | T. Nozawa, S. Kim, K. Ozawa, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | First-principles study of hydrogen adsorption and permeation in reconstructed cubic erbium oxide surfaces | W. Mao, T. Chikada, A. Suzuki, T. Terai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Hydrogen and water vapor adsorption properties on cation-exchanged mordenite for use to a tritium recovery system | Y. Kawamura ,Y. Edao, Y. Iwai, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Investigation on degradation mechanism of ion exchange membrane immersed into high-concentration tritiated water under the Broader Approach Activities | Y. Iwai, K. Sato, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Measurement of Hydrogen Isotope Concentration in Erbium Oxide Coatings | R. Sato, T. Chikada, A. Suzuki, T. Terai, K. Sugiyama | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Trapping of deuterium dissolved in fluidized Li by Y | S. Fukada, T. Hiromoto, S. Shigeharu, K. Sugie, Y. Edao | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Depth-dependent nanoindentation hardness of reduced-activation ferritic steels after MeV Fe-ion irradiation | R. Kasada, S. Konishi, K. Yabuuchi, S. Nogami, M. Ando, D. Hamaguchi, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Effect of potential factors in manufacturing process on mechanical properties of F82H | H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, H. Tanigawa, and T. Hirose | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Radiological assessment of the limits and potential of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, Y. Someya, H. Sakasegawa, T. Hirose, K. Ochiai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Effect of plasma-sintering consolidation on reactvity of beryllium | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Fabrication of beryllide pebble as advanced neutron multiplier | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Interaction of titanium beryllide with steam at high temperatures | K. Munakata, K. Wada, Y. Akimoto, H. Takeda, A. Nakamura, J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | DT neutron irradiation experiment for evaluation of tritium recovery from WCCB blanket | K. Ochiai, Y. Kawamura, T. Hoshino, Yuki Edao, K. Takakura, M. Ohta, S. Sato, C. Konno | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Trial examination of direct pebble fabrication for advanced tritium breeders by the emulsion method | T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2014 | JA | Development of advanced neutron multipliers for the DEMO blankets | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2014 | JA | Preliminary synthesis and mechanical property of titanium beryllide pebbles with different chemical compositions | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2014 | EU&JA | Current status and recent research achievements in SiC/SiC composites | Y. Katoh, L.L. Snead, C.H. Henager, T. Nozawa, T. Hinoki, A. Ivekovic, S. Novak, S.M. Gonzalez de Vincente | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | EU&JA | Surface morphology and deuterium retention in tungsten and tungsten-rhenium alloy exposed to low-energy, high flux D plasma | V.Kh. Alimov, Y. Hatano, K. Sugiyama, M. Balden, M. Oyaidzu, S. Akamaru, K. Tada, H. Kurishita, T. Hayashi, M. Matsuyama | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Dynamic measurements of radiation-induced electrical-property modifications in CVD-SiC under fast-neutron irradiation | B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. nagata, K. Saito, T. Nozawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Evaluation of damage accumulation behavior and strength anisotropy of NITE SiC/SiC composites by acoustic emission, digital image correlation and electrical resistivity monitoring | T. Nozawa, K. Ozawa, Y. Asakura, A. Kohyama, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Irradiation creep of 3C–SiC and microstructural understanding of the underlying mechanisms | S. Kondo, T. Koyanagi, T. Hinoki | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Retention and thermal release behavior of deuterium and helium implanted in SiC | Y. Ishikawa, S. Nagata, M. Zhao, T. Shikama | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Hydrogen diffusion along grain boundaries in erbium oxide coatings | W. Mao, T. Chikada, A. Suzuki, T. Terai | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Effect of He implantation on fracture behavior and microstructural evolution in F82H | K. Yabuuchi, K. Satoh, S. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, M. Ando, and H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Mechanism of instability of carbides in Fe–TaC alloy under high energy electron irradiation at 673 K | H. Abe, T. Ishizaki, S. Kano, F. Li, Y. Satoh, T. Mtsunaga, H. Tanigawa, D. Hamaguchi, T. Nagase, H. Yasuda | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Effect of grain size on the hardness and reactivity of plasma-sintered beryllium | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Reactivity of plasma-sintered beryllium–titanium intermetallic compounds with water vapor | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2014 | JA | Radiation-induced electrical degradation under gamma-ray and neutron irradiations | B. Tsuchiya | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research (in Japanese) |
2014 | JA | Laser Beam Welding for Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel F82H | H. Mori, H. Ogiwara, K. Saida, H. Serizawa, T. Hirose and H. Tanigawa | | Materials Science Forum |
2014 | EU&JA | Surface Modification and Deuterium Retention in Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic Steels Exposed to Low-Energy, High Flux D Plasma and D2 Gas | V.Kh. Alomov, Y. Hatano, K. Sugiyama, M. Balden, T. Höschen, M. Oyaidzu, J. Roth, J. Dorner, M. Fußeder, T. Yamanishi | | Physica Scripta |
2014 | JA | Deuterium Retention in various Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten materials under different irradiation conditions | M. Oya, H.T. Lee, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, H. Kurishita, K. Sugiyama, M. Oyaidzu and T. Yamanishi | | Physica Scripta |
2013 | JA | Effects of Tritiated Water on Passivation Behavior of SUS304 Stainless Steel | M. Oyaidzu, K. Isobe and T. Yamanishi | | ECS Transaction |
2013 | EU | Design and manufacture of an oven for high temperature experiments of erosion–corrosion of SiCf/SiC into LiPb | S. Tosti, A. Moriani, A. Santucci | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | EU | Ion bombardment induced surface electrical degradation monitoring by means of luminescence in aluminas. | M. Malo, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | EU | Radiation enhanced deuterium absorption for Al2O3 and macor ceramic. | A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson, M. Malo | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | EU | Effect of warm pre-stressing on fracture toughness of Eurofer97 steel | N. Ilchuk, L. Commin, P. Spätig, G. R. Odette | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | EU | Characteristics of microstructure, swelling and mechanical behavior of titanium beryllide samples after high-dose neutron irradiation at 740 and 873 K | P. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, V. Chakin, M. Klimenkov, R. Rolli, S. van Til, A.A. Goraieb | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | EU&JA | Progress and achievements of the BA activities in Rokkasho | T. Nishitani, M. Sugimoto, S. Ohira, T. Yamanishi, H. Tanigawa, M. Nakamichi, K. Tobita, Y. Ishii, T. Ozeki, N. Nakajima, H. Matsumoto, Y. Okumura, J. Knaster | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Re-defining failure envelopes for silicon carbide composites based on damage process analysis by acoustic emission | T. Nozawa, K. Ozawa, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Adsorption Rate of Hydrogen Isotopes on Ca-Mordenite | Y. Kawamura, Y. Edao, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Demonstration on endurance of ion exchange membrane immersed into high-concentration tritiated water under the Broader Approach Activities | Y. Iwai, K. Sato, Y. Kawamura, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Formation of lithium-tritide by hot atom reactions of tritium produced in Pb-16Li | K. Okuno, M. Kobayashi, T. Yamanishi, Y. Oya | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Recent results on tritium technology in JAEA under BA program | T. Yamanishi, Y. Kawamura, Y. Iwai, K. Isobe | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Analysis on precipitation behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels with extraction residue tests | T. Nagasaka, Y. Hishinuma, T. Muroga, H. Watanabe, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Technical issues of fabrication technologies of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, T. Hirose | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Novel granulation process of beryllides as advanced neutron multipliers | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim, K. Yonahera | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Oxidation property and homogenization treatment of plasma sintered beryllides | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Development of fabrication technologies for advanced tritium breeder pebbles by the sol–gel method | T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Mass loss of Li2TiO3 pebbles and Li4SiO4 pebbles | H. Kashimura, M. Nishikawa, K. Katayama, S. Matsuda, M. Shimozori, S. Fukada, T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Sorption and desorption behavior of tritiated water on lithium titanate with additional Li | K. Katayama, H. Kashimura, T. Hoshino, T. Takeishi, S. Matsuda, M. Nishikawa, S. Fukada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Trial synthesis of Li2Be2O3 for high-functional tritium breeders | T. Hoshino, F. Oikawa, Y. Natori, K. Kato, T. Sakka, M. Nakamura, K. Tatenuma | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2013 | JA | Overall Hydrogen Permeation through Fluidized PbLi Alloy under Natural Convection | S. Fukada, M. Okada, Y. Edao, H. Okitsu, S. Yoshimura | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2013 | JA | Comparative study on arc-melted and plasma-sintered beryllides | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2013 | JA | Optimization of synthesis conditions for plasma-sintered beryllium-titanium intermetallic compounds | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2013 | JA | Sinterability and mechanical properties of plasma-sintered beryllides with different Ti contents | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2013 | EU | Radiation enhanced diffusion and redistribution of helium in LiNbO3 | A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Radioluminescence characterization of SiC and SiC/SiC for 1.8 MeV electron irradiation | M. Malo, A. Moroño and E.R. Hodgson, | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Radioluminescence monitoring of radiation Induced surface electrical degradation in aluminas | M. Malo, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson, | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Characterization of ODS (Oxide Dispersion Strengthened) Eurofer/Eurofer dissimilar electron beam welds | L. Commin, M. Rieth, V. Widak, R. Lindau | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Fracture toughness characterization in the lower transition of neutron irradiated Eurofer97 steel. | N. Ilchuk, P. Spätig, G. R. Odette | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Helium bubble morphology of boron alloyed EUROFER97 after neutron irradiation | M. Klimenkov, A. Möslang, E. Materna-Morris, H.-C. Schneider | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | On determination of the constitutive behavior of tempered martensitic steels from micro-indentations: Application to Eurofer97 steel | P. Spätig, N. Ilchuk | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Tensile and low cycle fatigue properties of EUROFER97-steel after 16.3dpa neutron irradiation at 523, 623 and 723K | E. Materna-Morris, A. Möslang, H.-C. Schneider | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Tritium Release and Retention Properties of Highly Neutron Irradiated Beryllium Pebbles from HIDOBE-01 Experiment | V. Chakin, A. Moeslang, P. Vladimirov, P. Kurinskiy, R. Rolli, H.-C. Schneider, S. van Til, J.B.J. Hegeman, M. Zmitko | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU | Fabrication of modified lithium orthosilicate pebbles by addition of titania | R. Knitter, M.H.H. Kolb, U. Kaufmann, A.A. Goraieb | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU&JA | Deuterium retention in Toughened, Fine-Grained Recrystallized Tungsten | M. Oya, K. Uekita, H.T. Lee, Y. Ohtsuka, Y. Ueda, H. Kurishita, A. Kreter, J.W. Coenen, V. Philipps, S. Brezinsek, A. Litnovsky, K. Sugiyama, Y. Torikai | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU&JA | Recent Progress of R&D Activities on Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels | Q. Huang, N. Baluc, Y. Dai, S. Jitsukawa, A. Kimura, R.J. Kurtz, R. Lindau, T. Muroga, G.R. Odette, B. Raj, R.E. Stollek, L. Tan, H. Tanigawa, A.-A.F. Tavassoli, F. Wan, Y. Wu | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | EU&JA | Recent developments of solid breeder fabrication | R. Knitter, P. Chaudhuri, Y.J. Feng, T. Hoshino, I.-K. Yu | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Recovery behavior of point defects after low-dose neutron irradiation at ∼423 K of sintered 6H–SiC by lattice parameter and macroscopic length measurements | T. Yano, Y. Futamura, S. Yamazaki, T. Sawabe and K. Yoshida | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Effect of Cation Exchange on Hydrogen Adsorption Property of Mordenite for Isotope Separation | Y. Kawamura, Y. Iwai, K. Munakata, T. Yamanishi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Retention and Release Mechanisms of Tritium in Plasma-Sprayed Tungsten Coatings Exposed to Plasma | T. Otsuka, T. Tanabe and K. Tokunaga | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Study on kinetics of hydrogen dissolution and hydrogen solubility in oxides using imaging plate technique | K. Hashizume, K. Ogata, M. Nishikawa, T. Tanabe, S. Abe, S. Akamaru, Y. Hatano | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Application of master curve method to the evaluation of fracture toughness of F82H steels | B.J. Kim, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, E. Wakai, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Dependence of precipitate formation on normalizing temperature and its impact on the heat treatment of F82H-BA07 Steel | K. Fukumoto, T. Sakaguchi, K. Inoue, T. Itoh, H. Sakasegawa and H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Development of fatigue life evaluation method using small specimen | S. Nogami, A. Nishimura, E. Wakai, H. Tanigawa, T. Itoh, A. Hasegawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Microsegregation in a F82H plate | H. Sakasegawa and H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Nanoindentation hardness and its extrapolation to bulk-equivalent hardness of F82H steels after single- and dual-ion beam irradiation | Y. Takayama, R. Kasada, Y. Sakamoto, K. Yabuuchi, A. Kimura, M. Ando, D. Hamaguchi, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Numerical study of local PWHT condition for EB welded joint between first and side walls in ITER-TBM | H. Serizawa, S. Nakamura, H. Tanigawa, H. Ogiwara, H. Murakawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Oxide formation and precipitation behaviors on interface of F82H steel joints during HIPing and hot pressing | H. Kishimoto, T. Ono, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Ando, T. Shibayama, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Toughness characterization by small specimen test technique for HIPed joints of F82H steel aiming at first wall fabrication in fusion | H. Kishimoto, T. Ono, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, Y. Kohno, A. Kohyama | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Homogenization treatment to stabilize the compositional structure of beryllide pebbles | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Oxidation behavior of plasma sintered beryllium-Titanium intermetallic compounds as an advanced neutron multiplier | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Oxidation resistance of Be12Ti fabricated by plasma-sintering method | K. Wada, K. Munakata, J.-H Kim, K. Yonehara, D. Wakai, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Preliminary characterization of plasma sintered beryllides as advanced neutron multiplier | M. Nakamichi. K. Yonehara, K. Munakata, T. Shibayama, M. Miyamoto | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | The effect of sintering time on synthesis of plasma sintered beryllides | J.-H. Kim, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Development of methods for reprocessing and reuse of tritium breeder materials in broader approach activities | T. Hoshino | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Vaporization property and crystal structure of lithium metatitanate with excess Li | K. Mukai, K. Sasaki, T. Terai, A. Suzuki, T. Hoshino | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2013 | JA | Flibe-tritium research for fission or fusion reactors at Kyushu University | S. Fukada | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES |
2013 | JA | Tritium distribution on the tungsten surface exposed to deuterium plasma | K. Isobe, V. Kh. Alomov, A. Taguchi, M. Saito, Y. Torikai, Y. Hatano, T. Yamanishi | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES |
2013 | JA | Hydrogen generation property on the surface of plasma sintered Be12Ti | K. Wada, K. Munakata, Y. Akimoto, H. Takeda, J.-H. Ki, D. Wakai, K. Yonehra, M. Nakamichi | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES |
2013 | JA | Mass loss of Li2TiO3 pebbles in atmosphere containing hydrogen | H. Kashimura, M. Nishikawa, K. Katayama, S. Matsuda, S. Fukada, T. Hoshino | | Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES |
2013 | JA | Clarification of Tritium Behavior in Pb-Li Blanket System (Overview) | S. Fukada, T. Terai, S. Konishi, K. Katayama, T. Chikada, Y. Edao, T. Muroga, M. Shimada, B. Merrill, D.K. Sze | | Materials Transaction |
2013 | JA | Displacement damage rate dependence of defect cluster formation in alpha iron during irradiation | Y. Watanabe, K. Morishita, Y. Yamamoto, D. Hamaguchi, H. Tanigawa | | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms |
2013 | EU | Microstructure Analysis of Melt-based Lithium Orthosilicate/Metatitanate Pebbles. | O. Leys, C. Odemer, U. Maciejewski, M.H.H. Kolb, R. Knitter | | Practical Metallography |
2013 | JA | Basic Numerical Study on Gap Influence of Residual Stress and Distortion during High-Brightness Laser Butt Welding | H. Serizawa, D. Mori and H. Murakawa | | Transactions of JWRI |
2012 | JA | Characterization of Failure Behavior of Silicon Carbide Composites by Acoustic Emission | T. Nozawa, K. Ozawa, H. Tanigawa | | Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings |
2012 | EU | X-Ray Study of Surface Layers of Air-Annealed Be12Ti and Be12V samples using synchrotron radiation | P. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, V. Chakin, T. Slobodskyy, A.A. Minkevich, T. Baumbach, Ch. Dorn, A.A. Goraieb | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | EU&JA | Progress of Fusion Nucleear Technologies in the Broader Approach Framework | T. Nishitani, P. Garin, M. Sugimoto, N. Nakajima, R. Heidinger, H. Kimura, K. Okano, K. Tobita, T. Yamanshi, G. Federici, N. Baluc and other BA IFERC and IFMIF/EVEDA contributors | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Determination and prediction of axial/off-axial mechanical properties of SiC/SiC composites | T. Nozawa, K. Ozawa, Y.B. Choi, A. Kohyama, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Analysis of diffusion and dissolution of two-component hydrogen (H+D) in lead lithium | H. Okitsu, Y. Edao, M. Okada, S. Fukada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Effect of surface oxide layer on deuterium permeation behaviors through a type 316 stainless steel | Y. Oya, M. Kobayashi, J. Osuo, M. Suzuki, A. Hamada, K. Matsuoka, Y. Hatano, M. Matsuyama, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi, and K. Okuno | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Measurement of Tritium concentration in water with imaging plate | Y. Hatano, M. Hara, H. Ohuchi, H. Nakamura, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Overview of R&D Activities on Tritium Processing and Handling Technology in JAEA | T. Yamanishi, H. Nakamura, Y. Kawamura, Y. Iwai, K. Isobe, M. Oyaidsu, M. Yamada, T. Suzuki, and T. Hayashi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Evaluation of local deformation behavior accompanying fatigue damage in F82H welded joint specimens by using digital image correlation | T. Nakata, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Development of a synthesis method of beryllides as advanced neutron multiplier for DEMO reactors | M. Nakamichi, J.-H. Kim, D. Wakai, K. Yonehara | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Development of fabrication technologies for advanced breeding functional materials For DEMO reactors | T. Hoshino, M. Nakamichi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Observations on microstructure and crystal structure of sintered lithium metatitanate with excess Li | K. Mukai, K. Sasaki, T. Terai, A. Suzuki, T. Hoshino | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | JA | Release behavior of water vapor and mass loss from lithium titanate | K. Katayama, H. Kashimura, T. Hoshino, M. Nishikawa, M. Yamasaki, S. Ishikawa, Y. Ohnishi, S. Fukada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2012 | EU&JA | Overview of materials research and IFMIF/EVEDA under the ITER Broader Approach framework | T. Nishitani, H. Tanigawa, T. Yamanishi S.C. Lorenzo, N. Baluc, K. Hayashi, N. Nakajima, H. Kimura, M. Sugimoto, R. Heidinger, P. Garin, H. Matsumoto | | Fusion Science and Technology |
2012 | EU | Lithium orthosilicate surfaces: Characterization and effect on tritium release | M.H.H. Kolb, M. Bruns, R. Knitter, S. van Til | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2012 | EU | Synthesis of tritium breeder ceramics from metallic lithium | M.H.H. Kolb, C. Odemer, R. Knitter | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2012 | JA | Determining the shear fracture properties of HIP joints of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steel by torsion test | T. Nozawa, S. Noh, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2012 | JA | Study on fatigue life evaluation using small Specimen for testing neutron irradiated materials | S. Nogami, T. Itoh, H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, E. Wakai, A. Nishimura, A. Hasegawa | | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology |
2011 | JA | Microstructural Analysis of Secondary Phases in Silicon Carbide Fabricated with SiC Nano-Powder and Sintering Additives | T. Koyanagi, S. Kondo and T. Hinoki | | Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings |
2011 | EU | Radiation induced electrical and microstructural degradation at high temperature for HP SiC | T. Hernández, E.R. Hodgson, M. Malo, A. Moroño | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | EU | Effect of post welding heat treatment of the HCPB TBM on the Eurofer and lithium orthosilicate pebbles | A. Abou-Sena, B. Löbbecke, Axel von der Weth, R. Knitter | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | EU | Comparative study of fusion relevant properties of Be12V and Be12Ti | P. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, V. Chakin, R. Rolli, E. Alves, L.C. Alves, N. Franco, Ch. Dorn, A.A. Goraieb | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | EU | Tritium permeation, retention and release properties of beryllium pebbles | V. Chakin, A. Moeslang, P. Kurinskiy, R. Rolli, H.C. Schneider, E. Alves, L.C. Alves | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | EU | Enhanced fabrication process for lithium orthosilicate pebbles as breeding material | M.H.H. Kolb, R. Knitter, U. Kaufmann, D. Mundt | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | EU&JA | Radioluminescence for in situ materials characterization: First results on SiC for fusion applications | M. Malo, B. Tsuchiya, S. Nagata, A. Moroño, T. Shikama, E.R. Hodgson | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Japanese contribution to the DEMO-R&D program under the Broader Approach Activities | T. Nishitani, T. Yamanishi, H. Tanigawa, T. Nozawa, M. Nakamichi, T. Hoshino, A. Kohyama, A. Kimura, T. Hinoki, T. Shikama | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Radiation induced changes in electrical conductivity of chemical vapor deposited silicon carbides under fast neutron and gamma-ray irradiations | B. Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, S. Nagata, K. Saito, T. Nozawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | A new approach to evaluate irradiation hardening of ion-irradiated ferritic alloys by nano-indentation techniques | R. Kasada, Y. Takayama, K. Yabuuchi, A. Kimura, D. Hamaguchi, M. Ando, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Efects of specimen size on fracture toughness of phosphorous added F82H steels | B.J. Kim, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Extraction residue analysis on F82HBA07 heat and other reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels | T. Nagasaka, Y. Hishinuma, T. Muroga, Y. F. Li, H. Watanabe, H. Tanigawa, H. Sakasegawa, M. Ando | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Precipitation behavior in F82H during heat treatments of blanket fabrication | H. Sakasegawa, H. Tanigawa, S. Kano, M. Enomoto | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Torsion test technique for interfacial shear evaluation of F82H RAFM HIP-Joints | T. Nozawa, H. Kishimono, H. Tanigawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Trial fabrication of beryllides as advanced neutron multiplier | M. Nakamichi, K. Yonehara, D. Wakai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Effect of Li/Ti ratio on microstructure and thermal diffusivity of lithium titanate for solid breeding material | K. Mukai, K. Sasaki, T. Hashimoto, A. Suzuki, T. Hoshino, T. Terai | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Trial fabrication tests of advanced tritium breeder pebbles using sol-gel method | T. Hoshino, F. Oikawa | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2011 | JA | Tensile, Compressive and In-Plane/Inter-Laminar Shear Failure Behavior of CVI- and NITE-SiC/SiC Composites | T. Nozawa, Y.B. Choi, T. Hinoki, H. Kishimoto, A. Kohyama, H. Tanigawa | | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2011 | EU | Ionizing radiation induced helium release for hot pressed SiC | A. Moroño, J. Manzano, M. Malo, E.R. Hodgson | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | EU | Radiation induced modification of electrical conductivity for 3 types of SiC | E.R. Hodgson, M. Malo, J. Manzano, A. Moroño, T. Hernandez | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | EU | Microstructural and tritium release examination of titanium beryllides | V. Chakin, M. Klimenkov, R.Rolli, P. Kurinskiy, A. Moeslang, C. Dorn | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | EU&JA | Recent progress in blanket materials development in the Broader Approach activities | T. Nishitani, T. Tanigawa, T. Nozawa, S. Jitsukawa, M. Nakamichi, T. Hoshino, T. Yamanishi, N. Baluc, A. Möslang, R. Lindau, S. Tosti, E.R. Hodgson, S.C. Lorenzo, A. Kohyama, A. Kimura, T. Shikama, K. Hayashi, M. Araki | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Estimation of neutron-irradiation-induced defect in 3C–SiC from change in XRD peak shift and DFT study | T. Sawabe, M. Akiyoshi, K. Yoshida and T. Yano | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Recovery behavior of point defects after low-dose neutron irradiation of sintered SiC by thermal diffusivity and swelling measurements | S. Yamazaki, K. Yoshida and T. Yano | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Study on Stress Relaxation Behavior of Silicon Carbide by BSR method | K. Abe, S. Nogami, A. Hasegawa, T. Nozawa and T. Hinoki | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Tensile test technique for composites using small notched specimens | T. Nozawa and H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Effect of mechanical restraint on weldability of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel thick plates | H. Serizawa, S. Nakamura, M. Tanaka, Y. Kawahito, H. Tanigawa, S. Katayama | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Effect of specimen shape on micro-crack growth behavior under fatigue in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel | S. Nogami, Y. Sato, A. Hasegawa, H. Tanigawa, M. Yamazaki, M. Narui | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Effects of cold work and phosphorous on the ductile to brittle transition behavior of F82H steels | B.J. Kim, R. Kasada, A. Kimura, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Hot cracking susceptibility of F82H with controlled Ta content | H. Ogiwara, H. Mori, H. Tokuichi, K. Saida, K. Nishimoto, H. Tanigawa | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Multiple-beam Irradiation Effects in Electron-Beam-Welded F82H Joint | N. Hashimoto, N. Shiomi, H. Kinoshita and S. Ohnuki | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2011 | JA | Structural analysis of Li2TiO3by synchrotron X-ray diffraction at high temperature | K. Omoto, T. Hashimoto, K. Sasaki, T. Terai, T. Hoshino, M. Yashima | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2010 | JA | Progress of IFERC project in the Broader Approach Activities | M. Araki, Y. Sakamoto, K. Hayashi, R. Ohuchi, T. Nishitani | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2010 | JA | Recent activities on tritium technologies of BA DEMO-R&D program in JAEA | T. Yamanishi, T. Hayashi, Y. Kawamura, H. Nakamura, Y. Iwai, K. Kobayashi, K. Isobe, T. Suzuki, M. Yamada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2010 | JA | Recent R&D results on polymeric materials for a SPE-type high-level tritiated water electrolyzer system | Y. Iwai, K. Sato, A. Hiroki, M. Tamada, T. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2010 | JA | Cracking Resistance of Silicon Carbide Composites by Single‐ and Double‐Notched Specimen Techniques | T. Nozawa and H. Tanigawa | | International journal of Applied Ceramic Technology |
2010 | EU | Radioluminescence characterization of hot pressed, reaction bonded, and CVD SiC | M. Malo, J. Manzano, A. Moroño, E.R. Hodgson | | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2010 | EU | Optical characterization and enhanced He release for electron irradiated LiNbO3 | J. Manzano, M. Malo, A. Moroño, J. Olivares, E.R. Hodgson, F. Agulló-López | | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
2009 | JA | Fracture Resistance of silicon carbide composites using various notched specimens | T. Nozawa, H. Tanigawa, J.S. Park, A. Kohyama | | Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings |
2009 | EU&JA | Fusion materials development program in the broader approach activities | T. Nishitani, H. Tanigawa, S. Jitsukawa, T. Nozawa, K. Hayashi, T. Yamanishi, K. Tsuchiya, A. Möslang, N. Baluc, A. Pizzuto, E.R. Hodgson, R. Laesser, M. Gasparotto, A. Kohyama, R. Kasada, T. Shikama, H. Takatsu, M. Araki | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2009 | JA | Crystal structure of advanced lithium titanate with lithium oxide additives | T. Hoshino, K. Sasaki, K. Tsuchiya, K. Hayashi, A. Suzukic, T. Hashimoto, T. Terai | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2009 | JA | Preliminary test for reprocessing technology development of tritium breeders | T. Hoshino, K. Tsuchiya, K. Hayashi, M. Nakamura, H. Terunuma, K. Tatenuma | | Journal of Nuclear Materials |
2008 | JA | Adsorption capacity of hydrogen isotopes on mordenite | Y. Kawamura, Y. Onishi, K. Okuno, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2008 | JA | Hydrogen isotope separation capability of low temperature mordenite column for gas chromatograph | Y. Kawamura, Y. Onishi, K. Okuno, T. Yamanishi | | Fusion Engineering and Design |
2008 | JA | Recent results of R&D activities on tritium technologies for ITER and fusion reactors at TPL of JAEA | T. Yamanishi, T. Hayashi, W. Shu, Y. Kawamura, H. Nakamura, Y. Iwai, K. Kobayashi, K. Isobe, T. Arita, S. Hoshi, T. Suzuki, M. Yamada | | Fusion Engineering and Design |