from 2020
The scope of the CSC activity is to provide high performance computer (HPC) resources suitable for JA and EU scientists and to foster the efficient usage of these resources to advance high priority simulation studies for ITER, JT-60SA and fusion reactor in general (e.g. DEMO). These resources are awarded to simulation projects following annual calls issued by CSC.
In a first phase until March 2023, the HPC resources are mainly provided through the dedication of 50% of the JFRS-1 computer resources to BA projects, and these are complemented by a fraction of the EUROfusion accelerated resources located in Europe. After March 2023, the amount and modality of resources made available to CSC simulation projects will have to be agreed by the parties.
In 2021, and each subsequent year, CSC will consult with ITER Organization (in the framework of the cooperation arrangement between IO and BA) and the other BA projects to establish a list of high priority simulation areas. This list, to be updated annually, will narrow down the subjects previously identified in the Project Plan, which included:
- Development of tokamak operation scenario
- Divertor physics and power exhaust
- Plasma physics (e.g. turbulence, MHD, multi-scale integrated models)
- Materials physics (e.g. specific topics and multi-scale integrated models of materials and components, development of advanced materials)
- Particle studies (e.g. ion following in complex fields, neutronics)
- Auxiliary systems (e.g. H&CD systems such as gyrotrons, neutral beams, ICRH)
- Reactor engineering and technology studies (e.g. diverter design, virtual engineering including operational loads)
The list will be announced to the simulation communities well in advance of the following call for CSC simulation projects. In the selection, priority will be given to the areas defined in the list.
Simulation projects that will use the resources provided as explained above can be conducted by the parties separately and/or jointly. The type and number of research projects selected for CSC activities will depend on available HPC resources.
A joint EU-JA allocation committee will be set up to prepare the calls, select proposals for the use of the computer resources, and assess the results of the projects, as it was successfully done for Helios. Joint simulations projects will be encouraged in the calls.
CSC will further foster the efficient usage of HPC resources and collaboration research projects between JA and EU by jointly contributing to the development of best practices for code development and simulation techniques and of state-of-the art models taking into account, when applicable, the evolution of supercomputer architecture towards accelerated components. Joint workshops will also be organized for this purpose.
In addition, CSC will contribute to the optimization of HPC resources for fusion scientists by the joint development of best practices for design and operation of computer centers.
The objective is to substantially accelerate research and development in fusion science and technology by supporting simulation project deemed important by fusion projects including ITER, JT-60SA and the other BA activities and by accelerating, when applicable, the transition of codes towards accelerated architectures.
For this purpose, CSC will:
- Prepare annually a list of high priority areas, in consultation with the relevant fusion projects;
- Organize and monitor the provision of computer resources to IFERC
- Issue annually a call for simulation projects, and allocate resources according to the priorities defined;
- Analyse and review the impact of simulation campaigns;
- Encourage development and sharing of best practices for code development and simulation techniques for high performance computing taking into account, when applicable, the evolution of supercomputer architecture towards accelerated components;
- Share best practices for design and operation of computer centers for fusion applications;
- Organise joint workshops.