The deadline of application form was extended. Call for Proposals for BA simulation projects in JFRS-1 from 2022/4/1 to 2023/3/31 has been launched.The new deadline of application form is Friday, 18th February.

Season’s greetings from the IFERC Project

The Implementing Arrangement for the collaboration between ITER and IFERC was signed on 21 June 2021. This opens the way for collaborations, in particular in the field of remote participation.

Simulation support to ITER: CSC will support the integration of the codes SONIC and INDEX to the ITER suite of codes IMAS

Introduction of Fusion activities in Rokkasho (July 2021)

Collaboration with IFMIF/EVEDA for remote participation in LIPAc experiments (15 July 2021)

Remote monitoring the status of the LIPAc

Monitoring the status of the LIPAc from CCR