The IFERC project is implemented by an Integrated Project Team (IPT), in the same way as the other BA projects, IFMIF/EVEDA and STP. The IPT, under the supervision of the Project Leader, comprises the Project Team in Rokkasho, and the JA and EU Home Teams, and it is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the IFERC project.
The organisation of the IPT is shown below:
Project Team and Project Leader
The IFERC Project Leader (PL) is responsible for the coordination of the implementation of IFERC project. The PL and the Deputy Project Leader (D-PL) are appointed by the Broader Approach Steering Committee, and PL is assisted by the Project Team including D-PL.
For an overview of the Project Leaders, please click here.
The EU and JA Home Teams
Whereas the Project Team is responsible for the coordination and general implementation of the project, the EU and JA Home Teams conduct the technical design and procurement activities in IFERC project. For Japan this is carried out by QST. For Europe it is carried out by F4E, with the support of the European Programme EUROfusion. Two Project Managers lead the work of each Home Team and ensure close coordination of the design, procurement and R&D programmes. Work and responsibility are carefully shared between the staff of the two teams to avoid duplications of functions.
Key Structural Elements
Key elements which ensure the good functioning of the project include:
- A Extended Project Team Meeting (EPTM), comprising of IFERC project team and IFERC project managers, held every 2 weeks or so to align management decisions in dealing with inter-projects interactions, interaction with ITER and overall planning of IFERC project.
- Regarding Computational Simulation Centre (CSC), a IFERC HPC follow-up Working Group meeting held several times a year to promote the CSC Activity.
- Regarding DEMO Design Activity, a Technical Coordination Meeting (TCM) and a TASK meeting held 1 or 2 times a year to review all issues identified in BA Phase I, and to ensure a common understanding.
- Regarding ITER Remote Experimentation Centre (REC), a Technical Coordination Meeting (TCM) held several times a year to confirm the progress, a Joint TCM with IFMIF/EVEDA held several times a year to promote collaboration between IFERC-REC and IFMIF/EVEDA-LIPAc, and a meeting with IO CODAC held 1 or 2 times a year to promote . collaboration between IFERC-REC and ITER CODAC.
- A common quality management system (CQMS) to ensure all staff understand the correct procedures and project systems to be used in their work.
- Common computer systems infrastructure, including document, procurement and credit management systems to ensure accurate information, handle any non-conformities, and share work, hosted on an adaptable and secure network.
Members of the IPT in various IFERC events
Computational Simulation Centre (CSC)
[LEFT]: The installation of Helios supercomputer in CSC & REC building in Aug. 2011. The operation of Helios started in Jan. 2012 and was terminated in Dec. 2016 successfully. [RIGHT]: The 4th CSC review meeting on 15 Mar. 2016 held in the Tohoku University in Sendai together with a video-conferencing system. Both European and Japanese Helios users presented their findings, directly or remotely
DEMO Design Activity (DDA)
[LEFT]: The 8th Technical Coordination Meeting for DEMO Design Activity held at Kyoto University Uji Campus (hosted by Prof. S. Konishi) on 7th – 8th Feb. 2017 with 34 participants (including 7 remote participants); 4 from IFERC-PT, 12 from JA home team and 12 from EU home team. [RIGHT]: The 26th task meeting for DEMO Design Activity held in Garching on 21-23 Jun. 2016, where technical issues on DEMO commonly recognized were discussed intensively.
DEMO R&D Activity (DEMO R&D)
[LEFT]: The 13th Workshop of DEMO R&D held at F4E in Barcelona, Spain on 25th Sep. 2014 with 37 participants (including 11 remote participants); 4 from IFERC-PT, 19 from EU home team, and 14 from JA home team. The objective of this meeting was to exchange information on the progress in DEMO R&D and to enhance mutual cooperation between EU and JA. [RIGHT]: The 7th Joint DEMO Technical Coordinating Meeting between DEMO Design and R&D (JTCM-7) held on 9th Feb. 2017 in the Kyoto University Uji Campus. The participants were 19 from EU (14 remote) and 24 from Japan (2 remote). This meeting focused on the Joint European Torus (JET) ITER-like-Wall (ILW) tile and dust analysis and the contents of the DEMO R&D Final Report.
ITER Remote Experimentation Centre (REC)
[LEFT]: Remote participation in WEST experiment from REC successfully demonstrated on 28 Nov. 2018 inviting the students in Aomori high school, in order to verify the full function of remote experiment required in future experiments, such as in ITER. [RIGHT]: the kick-off meeting on collaboration between IO CODAC and REC held on 15-16 Jan. 2020.