In addition to being in its own right a BA Project, IFERC is also the name of the physical site that host the IFERC Project, the IFMIF/EVEDA Project, and a number of QST research facilities such as the ITER TBM development centre. The IFERC site is in the Rokkasho village in the Aomori Prefecture. An aerial photo below shows the various buildings.

The Administration building hosts the various teams.

The CSC and REC building host the High power computer and its operating team, and the Remote Experimentation Room, which can also be used to host large meetings and has separate videoconferencing facilities. In addition, the building also hosts the main control room for the IFMIF/EVEDA LIPAc accelerator.

External appearance of CSC&REC building

Computer room

REC room

LIPAc Central Control Room (CCR)

The DEMO R&D building hosts a state of the art materials characterization laboratory. In addition, it also provides a clean room in support to LIPAc assembly activities.

External appearance of DEMO R&D Building and joint research building

Internal view of DEMO R&D building

Clean room for SRF Linac assembly

The movie below shows a bird-view of the IFERC site, as taken in December 2020 using a drone.