Instruction for users


Japan Fusion Reactor Simulator 1 (JFRS-1) is the supercomputer system based on CRAY XC50-LC system at Rokkasho Fusion Institute, QST. It is available from June 2018 to the fusion scientists in Japan and a part of computer resources is provided to the IFERC-CSC project from April 2020.

Nodes: 1370
Processors: 2×20 cores Intel Xeon Gold 6148 2.4GHz
Cores: 40 cores/node
RAM: 192 GB/node
Peak Performance: 4.2 PFlop/s

   User support

In addition to first level support (including documentation) provided by HPC centers, the support provided to users includes:

  • the supply of high-level support for the usage of Marconi100 (EUROfusion)
  • the supply of support to high priority simulation activities (QST)

Regarding high-level support for the usage of Marconi100, 

  • A best practice guide (Marconi100) was prepared by HLST addressing architecture, submission system, pinning, benchmarks and real code performance, node usage, OpenMPI library
  • The IFERC-CSC workshop on GPU programming took place twice in December 2020 and June 2021.
  • Japanese users are invited to monthly webinar organized by EUROfusion.

Regarding the support to high priority simulation activities, QST provided support to a first set of 3 projects jointly selected: MISONIC, TOKEDGE and MULTEI from BA simulation projects in JFRS-1 in FY 2020, and support to a second set of 3 projects jointly selected: MISONIC, INDEXBA and BigDFT4W from BA simulation projects in JFRS-1 in FY 2021.

   Sample of Call for proposals

The previous Call for proposals can be downloaded below:

   Publication acknowledgement

The participants must agree to acknowledge EUROfusion and QST when the results of the projects are presented and published.

A suitable acknowledgement is as follows: “This work was carried out (partially) using supercomputer resources provided under the EU-JA Broader Approach collaboration in the Computational Simulation Centre of International Fusion Energy Research Centre (IFERC-CSC).”